Category: LGBTQ Agenda

Veggie Tales Creator Phil Vischer is Woke

Written by Laurie Higgins

Christian creator of the well-known children’s video series Veggie Tales, Phil Vischer, is woke, folks. Recently, in some tweets, Vischer appears to be defending voting for the corrupt influence-peddler Joe Biden who embraces all sorts of policy positions that oppose biblical truth.

Biden vigorously supports the Equality Act, which will lead to the oppression of theologically orthodox Christians. Biden enthusiastically affirms the legal redefinition of marriage to include homoerotic unions.… Continue Reading

Facebook Censors IFA Post and Illinois Candidate Exploits It for Fundraising

Written by Laurie Higgins

The Facebook Overlords are in overdrive—with a little help from their leftist friends.

Thursday morning, I awoke to a notification from the Facebook Overlords that they had removed a post from Illinois Family Action’s Facebook page that was posted way back on February 20, 2020. Shortly thereafter, I was alerted to a video made by a candidate running for the Illinois House in the 90th District who was the subject of my post and who is using it to raise campaign money.… Continue Reading

Social and Bureaucratic Violence Against Children and Conservatives

Written by Laurie Higgins

The meme pictured to the right has been circulating on social media, passing as wisdom in the dystopian Upside Down in which “progressives” live and move and have their being. How is violence defined by those who are sharing this meme? Are they using it in the sense of bodily acts of violence or in the sense of “the abusive or unjust exercise of power”?

Rhetorical and social violence

If the latter, was Amy Coney Barrett a victim of violence on the second day of the Senate confirmation hearings for her Supreme Court nomination?… Continue Reading

“Trans” Cultism IS an Election Issue

Written by Laurie Higgins

In 2018, in a video series titled “Conception,” and posted on YouTube, the New York Times profiled “Gabrielle” Darone, a man who pretends to be a woman and who, with his wife, has fathered two children. Two years after the New York Times’ sympathetic portrayal of Darone’s envy of his wife’s pregnancy and his claims that he is a much better parent now that he pretends to be a mother, Darone is about to be divorced.… Continue Reading

Kasich’s Conscience Prefers a President Who’ll Put Boys in Girls’ Locker Rooms

Written by Terence P. Jeffrey

John Kasich wants people to believe he is supporting Joe Biden for president because his “conscience” compels it.

Assuming Kasich is being honest about this, a rational observer can draw only one conclusion: He is a moral idiot.

On Monday, the Columbus Dispatch ran a story with this headline: “Kasich Says Conscience Led Him to Biden.”

In an interview with that paper, this former Republican governor of Ohio presented himself as a moral hero for backing the former vice president.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Is ‘LGBTQ’ Pressure Beginning to Crack the Evangelical House?

Written by David E. Smith

In his opening address at the recent IFI Worldview Conference, Dr. Robert Gagnon poses the question “Is ‘LGBTQ’ Pressure Beginning to Crack the Evangelical House?” Dr. Gagnon believes that exposure to the daily indoctrination of culture is resulting in a Stockholm Syndrome of sorts among our youth, even those in evangelical churches, and he considers whether this same phenomenon is afflicting evangelicalism as a whole.

Emphasizing a reliance on Scripture, he encourages Christians, both in the pews and at the pulpit, to refute the false narrative of the LGBTQ agenda and stand firmly against immorality.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: ‘Sex’ Refdefined by SCOTUS

Written by David E. Smith

In a shocking 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that, based on “sexual orientation,” LGBT individuals are entitled to protection against workplace discrimination under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Joining Monte Larrick for a jam-packed discussion of this ruling and its ramifications is Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth and The Center for Morality.

Monte and Peter explore the possible changes Illinoisans can expect as a result of the court’s misguided decision and they specifically address how private sector businesses, churches, Christian schools, and faith-based organizations could be impacted.… Continue Reading

If Joe Biden Becomes President, He Will Declare War On Your Religious Freedoms

Written by Dr. Michael L. Brown

In order to make his policy proposals perfectly clear, presidential candidate Joe Biden has announced, “The Biden Plan to Advance Lgbtq+ Equality in America and Around the World.” He should have titled it, “The Biden Plan to Restrict Religious Freedoms in America and Around the World.” Or, “The Biden Plan to Undo the Freedoms Secured Under President Trump.” The cat is out of the bag.

To be sure, there are some praiseworthy elements of the Biden Plan, emphasizing compassionate care for hurting people.… Continue Reading

Limbaugh Gives Judgmental, Intolerant “Progressives” the Fake-Vapors–Again

Written by Laurie Higgins

I have a lot to say about presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg and hope to say it soon, but first I have to address the kerfuffle generated by Rush Limbaugh who speculated last Wednesday that Democratic operatives must be asking themselves if the country is ready for a man-kissing man-president:

They’re looking at Mayor Pete, 37-year-old gay guy, mayor of South Bend, loves to kiss his husband on the debate stage. And they’re saying, ‘OK, how’s this going to look, 37-year-old gay guy kissing his husband on stage next to Mr.

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SPOTLIGHT: Walt Heyer: “Such Were Some of You’

Written by David E. Smith

Our Spotlight podcast this week features a presentation given by Walt Heyer at our 2019 Worldview Conference. He recounts his decades-long struggle with transgenderism – a struggle that began with the secret purple dress his grandmother sewed for him to wear when he was four years old.

Walt succeeded in school and the workplace, but hid the confusion and pain he felt about his sexual identity until, at age 42, he underwent gender reassignment surgery at the urging of a “highly regarded” counselor.… Continue Reading