Category: Federal Issues

Obama’s Supremely Bad Nominee


Written by Gary L. Bauer

At the White House this morning, President Obama announced his nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court — Judge Merrick Garland of the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

The media are dutifully attempting to spin Garland as a “centrist” or a “consensus choice.” Consider this headline from the Los Angeles Times: “It’s Going To Be Hard For Conservatives To Oppose The Careful, Moderate Merrick Garland.”

Don’t be fooled, my friends.… Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton’s Emails Reveal an Anti-Semitic Streak in Democratic Party


Written by Jim Kouri

While much is being discussed in the United States regarding presidential hopeful and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized email system and the suspicious emails discovered by inspectors general, the Congress, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and non-government groups such as Judicial Watch, nothing is being reported regarding Mrs. Clinton and Israel.

During her highly praised campaign by her news media sycophants, Hillary Clinton is portrayed as a true friend of Israel, despite having scolded the leaders of the Jewish State in her book for their treatment of the Palestinians.… Continue Reading

The Troubling Stakes of the Originalism-Living Constitutionalism Debate

Written by Adam Seagrave

Any defense of constitutional originalism depends on accepting the principles of natural law and natural rights on which the Constitution was founded. Unfortunately, these principles no longer have meaning for most judges, politicians, and ordinary citizens today—which has troubling implications for the future of our republic.

The passing of the greatest constitutional originalist of our time invites us to reflect on the meaning and value of reading the Constitution as Justice Scalia did—in terms of the text itself as its authors intended and the public understood it.

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Should Christians Support Donald Trump?

Written by David Gunn

The 2016 presidential primary is upon us! Political advertisements and contentious pundits fill the airwaves, candidates zoom from campaign stop to campaign stop with all the frenzied energy of well-caffeinated mosquitoes, and the general public watches the unfolding events with a strange mixture of excitement, curiosity, and perturbation. Through it all, one figure has absolutely dominated the media coverage: billionaire magnate-turned-politician Donald Trump.

The Trump phenomenon has totally disrupted conventional political wisdom.… Continue Reading

Socialism Has Failed Spectacularly, But the Young Fans of Sanders Never Got That History Lesson

Written by Thomas Sowell

Many people of mature years are amazed at how many young people have voted for Senator Bernie Sanders, and are enthusiastic about the socialism he preaches.

Many of those older people have lived long enough to have seen socialism fail, time and again, in countries around the world. Venezuela, with all its rich oil resources, is currently on the verge of economic collapse, after its heady fling with socialism.

But, most of the young have missed all that, and their dumbed-down education is far more likely to present the inspiring rhetoric of socialism than to present its dismal track record.… Continue Reading

Following the Piper’s Tune

Written by Charles Battig

While political pundits ponder the reasons for presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’s success with his socialist message among younger voters, they might also consider the “power of myth” as evidenced by human behavior.

Historian Joseph Campbell’s reflections on the topic aired on PBS in the mid-1980s and were later published in 1988 under the title The Power of Myth.  Campbell documented and analyzed recurring basic themes embedded in the folklore and mythology of most every culture…good vs.… Continue Reading

Which Presidential Candidates Support Sound Military/Social Policies?

Written by Elaine Donnelly

It’s 11:00 PM – Do you know where your presidential candidate stands on women in land combat?  What about registering unsuspecting girls-next-door for Selective Service, without a vote of Congress?

And will the next president continue LGBT celebrations promoting transgenders in the military, while encouraging threats to religious liberty in the military?  The 2016 CMR Quadrennial Presidential Candidate Survey aims to find out where the candidates stand.

A fierce battle for votes is going on in Iowa, New Hampshire, and other early-voting states. … Continue Reading

The Unravelling of Chris Christie

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Written by Greg Quinlan

I’m a member of the clergy and for the past eight years have lobbied the powerful in Trenton, covering the administrations of both Governors Jon Corzine and Chris Christie.  I did much of my work on behalf of the New Jersey Family Policy Council, associated with Tony Perkins‘ Family Research Council.  I am currently the President of the Center for Garden State Families.

Those of us who are engaged in the fight to secure the right to believe, speak, and practice the Christian faith in America were all heartened by the election of a Pro-Life Governor in 2009.  

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A Conservative Senator’s 5 Steps to Fix Congress

Written by Senator Mike Lee

After Republicans won a majority in the Senate and maintained their majority in the House in November 2014, I proposed that the two chambers take five modest steps to repair what had become a dysfunctional legislative branch.

This was part of my effort as the recently elected chairman of the Senate Steering Committee to put forward a vision and a plan that would guide the Republican majority toward unity and restore the public’s confidence in Congress.

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Obama’s Hidden Climate Leverage

The Clean Air Act gives him one more big tool to control states’ energy sectors. Will he use it?

Written by Brian Potts

Over the past six months, President Barack Obama has cemented his climate legacy with the release of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan and the execution of the Paris climate agreement. But, as even he admits, neither of those policies will be enough to avert the worst effects of climate change. In fact, the laws on the books today aren’t even enough for the United States to meet its Paris obligations.… Continue Reading