Category: Federal Issues

John McCain Joins Pro-Abortion Republicans to Defeat U.S. Senate Bill Defunding Planned Parenthood

Written by Steven Ertelt

Christmas is months away but U.S. Senator John McCain is already on the naughty list for pro-life Americans.

U.S. Senator McCain joined two probation Republicans to defeat the Senate bill that would defund Planned Parenthood. Called the skinny Bill to repeal portions of Obamacare, pro-life organizations and Senate Republican leaders hoped the bill would get enough votes to be able to land a repeal and defund measure on President Donald Trump’s desk.… Continue Reading

Levin: Rep. Luis Gutierrez is a ‘Marxist-Leninst’ and a ‘lunatic’

Written by Jordan Schachtel

Tuesday on his radio show, Conservative Review Editor-in-chief Mark Levin exposed far-left Democratic Congressman Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., breaking down his radical past.

Levin first responded to Gutierrez discussing the supposed evils of America, in which the Chicago politician called for the mass importation of illegal immigrants into America.

“Why are they here … If people are here working in the most horrendous conditions imaginable, why do they come here?” Levin asked.

He then played a clip of Rep.… Continue Reading

The ACLU’s Transparent Attack on the Election Integrity Panel

Written by Robert Knight

If you don’t think the Left is terrified by the prospect of clean voter rolls, you might not have heard about the latest ploy by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

The ACLU has sued President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, charging them with violating federal “transparency” laws.

The suit is a bald attempt to halt the panel’s mission, which is to examine the prevalence of vote fraud in America and to recommend ways to secure the election process.… Continue Reading

20 Ideas to Crush Obamacare and Cure America’s Health Care Crisis

Written by Daniel Horowitz

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is famous for declaring health care a right. He is actually correct if we were to tweak his statement to read, “free market health care is a natural right.” Yes, we the people have a right to finally create a free market health care system that will do to the medical field what Uber, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Walmart, FedEx, and UPS have all done to their respective industries.… Continue Reading


Written by William G. Parrot

Our Founding Fathers thoughtfully and succinctly defined human nature, thus crafting a Constitution confronting man’s decided vulnerability to the elixir of power and its addictive influence.  Across decades of the American landscape their genius sustained this nation’s promise rewarding hard work and diligence in a free society.  Limitless opportunity unfettered by overbearing government emboldened our citizens.  Selfless patriots and honest risk-takers became the lifeblood of this great land despite the freeloaders and parasites content with an entitlement mindset.… Continue Reading

President Trump Can Correct 70 Years of Judicial Abuse

Written by Bryan Fischer

Rumors are circulating widely in Washington, D.C. that Justice Anthony Kennedy may step down from the Supreme Court this summer. He’s 81 and has been on the bench for 30 years.

While those on the left consider him a conservative, he has been an absolute disaster on issues constitutional conservatives care about. For instance, he has been on the wrong side of every single court case that deals with sexual abnormality, beginning with the Romer v.Continue Reading

Charity Should Begin at Home — And Not in Washington

Written by Terry Schilling

In a recent Liberty Minute, “Charity Begins at Home,” Helen Krieble condemned the attitude of excessive reliance on the government for welfare:

Have you ever heard the old saying that charity begins at home? Now we seem to believe charity begins with the government. Whenever there is a tragedy of any kind, people look to government to rebuild homes, bail out failing businesses, and replace people’s lost possessions.

But when we look through the lens of liberty, we realize government can only provide for some people by taking from others.

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Trump Nominee Not Hindered by Bernie Sanders’ Religious Litmus Test

Written by Tony Perkins

No thanks to U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), President Donald Trump’s pick for the Office of Management and Budget is one step closer to his new job.

After a faith-based grilling that left Sanders red-faced and Americans in shock, Russell Vought’s nomination squeaked out of the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee by the narrowest of margins, 8-7.

The hearings caught the country’s attention when Sanders made the case that Christians like Vought are unfit for public office — even in jobs that have nothing to do with faith.… Continue Reading

The New Conservative Legal Mainstream—and Why the Left is Worried

Written by John A. Sparks

U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer and Patrick Leahy claimed that newly confirmed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was not in the “legal mainstream.” They were referring to the “living Constitution” approach to constitutional interpretation. That interpretative approach, still thriving today and embraced by the liberal left, says that the U.S. Constitution should be a document that judges regard as one “that evolves, changes, over time, and adapts to new circumstances, without being formally amended.”… Continue Reading

One Sure Thing: Trump Beats Impeachment

Written by Michael Medved

Despite the public furor surrounding James Comey’s U.S. Senate testimony, there remains only one certainty about the future of the Donald Trump administration: the president will not be forced from office through the Constitutional impeachment process. Pundits and politicos who agitate for using that mechanism to end the Age of Trump ignore history, delude themselves and damage the country.

Only three presidents of the prior 44 have faced serious drives for their impeachment:

Andrew Johnson in 1868, Richard Nixon in 1974 and Bill Clinton in 1998.… Continue Reading