Posts tagged: William Wilberforce

Democrats Were Pro-Choice for Slavery Too

Written by Dr. S.M. Davis

I agree with the articles I’m reading that we need to boldly defend the Pro-Life position, but I have a suggestion for an entirely new strategy to do so. I think this would not only be a winning strategy, but would also strongly win over the black vote. We need to start saying over and over again:

“Yesterday’s Dems supported slavery and today’s Dems support abortion.  In both cases they were denying that someone was or is fully human.

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Truth Always Wins: Liberal Media Has Started to Report Actual Facts

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

I reposted a meme this week. It was a graphic of a mass of humanity, with tens of thousands of people standing shoulder to shoulder and one solitary individual standing outside, looking back at the group. The accompanying text was, “Yes, you all are wrong.” To this, I added, “It appears those of us who stood nearly alone on masks and jabs are exonerated. May the same prove true on all else woke and wrong.”… Continue Reading

The Consequence of a Good Idea: William Wilberforce’s Opposition to Slave Trade

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Over the past couple of years, as I have been writing for The Washington Times, I have repeatedly argued that ideas have consequences. I have stated over and over again that what we believe always influences how we behave and that you can’t separate the head from the heart, fact from faith or attitudes from actions.

For good or for ill, ideas matter. As sentient creatures, we are unavoidably blessed or cursed by our guiding principles and the import of our ideas.… Continue Reading

Teaching Kids That America Was Always Racist

Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe

If there are riots now in America, what will it be like 20 years from now if the New York Times gets its way?

The New York Times sponsored The 1619 Project, which postulates that America’s real beginnings as a nation are when the first African slaves were brought over….to Jamestown in 1619.

Many historians note that this is a distortion of our nation’s roots. Worse, it makes young people turn against this country.… Continue Reading

Obama Defends Modern Day Islam / Attacks Christian History


Written by Gary L. Bauer

President Barack Obama used the occasion of the National Prayer Breakfast to once again defend Islam. (Talk about chutzpah!) He did it using a tactic he has used before, but never so boldly.

Speaking before an event sponsored by an organization which professes “that Jesus transcends all forms of government and belief,” Obama lectured his audience, saying “. . . people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” citing “the Crusades and the Inquisition .… Continue Reading