Posts tagged: Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz Challenges Boehner and McConnell: Stop the Iran Deal


Written by Joel Gehrke

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) provided air support for a revolt underway in the House today, as he called on Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to stop the Iran deal by refusing to hold a vote on the agreement.

Cruz’s mention of GOP leadership drew boos at Wednesday’s rally against the Iran deal on Capitol Hill, which he helped organize. “Hold on: I come not to bury Caesar but to praise him,” Cruz said, quoting from William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.… Continue Reading

Four GOP Presidential Candidates, Out of 17, Sign Pledge to Defend Natural Marriage


The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has made public the presidential candidates who signed their “Marriage Pledge,” which promises to support a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

Four of the 17 Republican presidential hopefuls signed the pro-marriage, pro-child, and pro-family document:  Texas U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, former Pennsylvania U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson put their signatures to the pledge.… Continue Reading

What GOP Candidates Said About Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling

GOP CandidatesSantorum, Huckabee, Cruz, Jindal make the A Team


Written by Maggie Gallagher
On June 26, a narrow majority of U.S. Supreme Court justices struck down the traditional definition of marriage, ruling all 50 states must recognize same-sex unions as marriages.

The four dissenters included the usually mild-mannered Chief Justice John Roberts, who called the majority opinion “dangerous to the rule of law”: “The majority’s decision is an act of will, not legal judgment. The right it announces has no basis in the Constitution or this Court’s precedent.”… Continue Reading

Ted Cruz Tells Evangelicals to ‘Stand Up and Vote Our Biblical Values’


Written by Ray Nothstine

In a swing through Tupelo, Mississippi, last week, Texas Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz dropped by the American Family Association radio station for an interview and called on people of faith to “stand up and vote our biblical values.

“In this last election 54 million Evangelicals stayed home,” asserted Cruz on Tuesday. “If we can simply bring Christians to the polls, is it any wonder that we have the government we have, we have the leaders we have, if believers stay home and leave electing our leaders to unbelievers?… Continue Reading

George Will and the GOP Divide


Written by Jeffrey Lord

In every town large enough to house a college there is a faculty lounge at the back of which sits the local George Will, nursing his ever-present pipe and innumerable elitist delusions.

Because the actual George Will is a syndicated columnist, he can turn himself into an unprecedentedly and incorrigibly sniffy public preacher. It is his right to use his considerable intelligence as he pleases. His supercilious performance and its haughty disdain of civic life are costs of freedom that an open society must be prepared to pay.

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Huckabee, Rubio Say Right to Life Already Inherent in the Constitution at GOP Debate ‘


Written by Samuel Smith

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., argued in Thursday night’s Fox News Republican presidential debate that an unborn child’s right to life is inherent under the United States Constitution and the passage of a constitutional amendment is not required to ban abortions.

Huckabee’s first response at the the primetime debate, which featured the top-10 polling GOP candidates, was prefaced by moderator Chris Wallace asking him how he would persuade Independents and Democrats to vote for him when he advocates strongly for constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage and abortion.… Continue Reading

Cruz Vows Vote on Defunding Planned Parenthood


By Sarah Ferris

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wants to force the Senate to vote on defunding Planned Parenthood this week, as a second undercover video unleashes a new storm of scrutiny of the organization.

Cruz’s office said Tuesday that he plans to file an amendment on the highway bill that would eliminate all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, in addition to an amendment that would fully repeal ObamaCare.

Cruz is the second senator — and the second GOP presidential candidate — who is eying the highway bill as an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.… Continue Reading

Cruz Shuts Down CODEPINK Outside White House


Written by Adam Kredo

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) tussled with and shut down a group of left wing activists from CODEPINK on Thursday during a rally outside the White House organized by activists opposed to a recently inked nuclear accord with Iran.

Cruz was meant to speak at a gathering of around 50 protestors and lawmakers who had gathered in front of the White House to express their opposition to the Iran nuclear deal, which will provide the Islamic Republic with billions of dollars in sanctions relief while keeping its core nuclear infrastructure intact.… Continue Reading

Who Will Join Ted Cruz in Repealing ObamaCare?


Now we know who the masters are: the black-robed dictators of the U.S. Supreme Court. And we know who the slaves and the serfs are: you and me.

Written by Bryan Fischer

The judicial tyrants of the U.S. Supreme Court, headed by chief oligarch John Roberts, have abandoned the Constitution, reason, and their oath of office by trashing the plain language of ObamaCare to reach an illogical, irrational, and judicially abominable result.

This 6-3 ruling is a juristic catastrophe.… Continue Reading

Some Republicans ‘Rearrange Their Sock Drawers’ to Avoid Religious Freedom-‘Gay Rights’ Fight


Written by Ray Nothstine

Ted Cruz offered a vigorous defense of religious liberty on Thursday at a Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference while accusing other Republicans, including presidential candidates, of taking time to “rearrange their sock drawers” when controversy over state freedom legislation arises.

The Texas Senator opened his remarks offering a moment of silence for Wednesday’s murder victims of Emanuel A.M.E. church in Charleston, S.C.

“Today the body of Christ is in mourning,” declared Cruz.… Continue Reading