Posts tagged: Southern Poverty Law Center

The Worst Smear Site in America

Written by Matthew Vadum

The far-left Southern Poverty Law Center relentlessly promotes the Big Lie, wildly popular in the media, that conservative Americans are racists and the real threat to the nation rather than Islamic terrorists.

The group claims the principal enemies of the American people are presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, conservatives like David Horowitz, and the Tea Party movement.

The SPLC is a shamelessly hypocritical leftist attack machine funded by radical speculator George Soros and a rogue’s gallery of rich people and established philanthropies that want to fundamentally transform America.… Continue Reading

Southern Poverty Law Center in Bed With Extremists

What is Wrong with the Southern Poverty Law Center?

Written by Cliff Kincaid

Why is the FBI missing the extremists in our midst? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the organization consulted by the Department of Justice for information on extremists is in bed with them.

Evelyn Schlatter, the deputy director of research of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), was listed as a participant in the recent Left Forum conference, which featured an assortment of communists, 9/11 truthers, pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel activists, and other extremists.… Continue Reading

A Progressive Bully’s Scorched Earth Tactics

Written by Robert Knight

What do most Republican presidential candidates have in common with dozens of Christian, pro-family and patriotic organizations?

They’re prominently featured in the Southern Poverty Law Center’s latest report, “The Year in Hate and Extremism.”

The cover has a large picture of an open-mouthed Donald Trump, under whom are a masked terrorist, the Islamist San Bernardino mass murderers, other hate crime suspects, a Nazi Swastika, columnist Ann Coulter, Center for National Security President Frank Gaffney, and, of course, the Confederate battle flag.… Continue Reading

Ted Cruz Close to Winning Tony Perkins Endorsement

Ted Cruz has successfully courted Bob Vander Platts, Iowa’s main Christian powerbroker, winning his endorsement Thursday that was sought feverishly by about half the Republican field. Now, Cruz in closing in on winning the backing of another top social conservative networker: Tony Perkins.

“There’s clearly movement going toward Ted, and I think he’s making all the right moves,” Perkins told CNN Thursday. “But from a timing standpoint, I’m still watching, waiting.”

Perkins, who heads the Family Research Council, sits at the top of a pair of sprawling social conservative networks, the Conservative Action Project and the Council for National Policy, that are the hidden hub of the forces looking to push the Republican Party further right.… Continue Reading

Political Experience: A Plus Or a Minus?


Written by Chad Groening

Will conservative voters be looking for someone with previous political experience to head the GOP presidential ticket in 2016 – or will they be looking for a fresh face?

In a recent compilation of polls by RealClearPolitics, Jeb Bush – the former Florida governor – continues to be the front runner, with almost 16 and half percent of Republican respondents. But several polls, including one in New Hampshire and one in Iowa, had Bush trailing Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who has substantial momentum coming out his re-election in November.… Continue Reading

The SPLC Goes After Dr. Ben Carson


Written by David E. Smith

In October 2014, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) put Dr. Benjamin Carson on its “Extremist Watch List.” Why?  Because the good Christian doctor holds to a traditional and orthodox view of marriage: one man and one woman.

Who else is on this “Extremist Watch List“?  Neo-Nazis, KKK members and skinheads.

This is beyond outrageous, and clearly demonstrates how out-of-touch this far left organization has become.  If they were willing to label, slander and malign Dr.… Continue Reading