Posts tagged: Socialism

Capitalism vs. Socialism

Written by Walter E. Williams

Several recent polls, plus the popularity of Sen. Bernie Sanders, demonstrate that young people prefer socialism to free market capitalism. That, I believe, is a result of their ignorance and indoctrination during their school years, from kindergarten through college. For the most part, neither they nor many of their teachers and professors know what free market capitalism is.

Free market capitalism, wherein there is peaceful voluntary exchange, is morally superior to any other economic system.… Continue Reading

Dancing with Socialism, Ignoring Reality

Written by Robert Knight

In the United States, surveys show that many Millennials are not merely soft on socialism but openly support it. They think capitalism benefits only the “one percent” and no one else, despite America’s matchless record of upward mobility and prosperity.

Since the 1960s, the media, Hollywood and the education system have presented a warped view of America along with a sugarcoated version of socialism. So, we should not be surprised when we see so many young people fooled by the false promises of redistributive economics.… Continue Reading

Marx’s Apologists Should Be Red in the Face

Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor

May 5 marked the bicentennial of Karl Marx, who set the stage with his philosophy for the greatest ideological massacres in history. Or did he?

He did, but deniers still remain. “Only a fool could hold Marx responsible for the Gulag,” writes Francis Wheen in “Karl Marx: A Life” (1999). Stalin, Mao and Kim Il Sung, Mr. Wheen insists, created “bastard creeds,” “wrenched out of context” from Marx’s writings.… Continue Reading

Birthday of a Bloodbath

Written by Dr. Paul Kengor

This October-November 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the launch of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia—the bloody communist state that would produce a political-ideological killing spree unlike any the world has ever seen.

And yet, communism continues to find supporters. Here are three personal anecdotes:

I did a conference this past week on the legacies of communism. One liberal professor complained that no pro-communist speakers were included. I wasn’t surprised.… Continue Reading

CHICAGO: Inside the Biggest Gathering of American Socialists In Decades

Written by Ryan Cooper

Things are looking up for the Democratic Socialists of America. With a membership of 25,000, it is now the largest socialist group in America since the Second World War. And last weekend in Chicago, it held its largest convention, by a considerable margin, in its history.

The event was a fascinating view into an organization that is simultaneously struggling with sudden success and looking to capitalize on fertile conditions to grow even more.… Continue Reading

Why is Socialism Being Promoted by Conservative Christian Outlets?

Written by Joe Carter

“Socialism,” said Richard John Neuhaus, “is the religion people get when they lose their religion.” While that might have been true in Neuhaus’s day, many young Christians are now attempting to have their faith and socialism too.

I never got the opportunity to meet Fr. Neuhaus. He died in January 2009, two months before I started working as the web editor at the magazine he founded, First Things. I suspect, though, that the staunch advocate of democratic capitalism would be surprised and dismayed to find his publication now has editors who identify as socialist and columnists who claim capitalism is inimical to Christianity.… Continue Reading

America’s Betrayal by the Democratic Party

Written by Jeffrey Ludwig

Are you aware that we are facing a political and cultural tragedy right now?  The Democratic Party, one of two great parties of the USA, has been co-opted by the communist ideologues, the power-mad neo-Marxists, in our political establishment.  They can call it liberalism or social justice or togetherness, but it is my considered judgment that, without exaggeration, we are facing an intent to subvert the electoral will of the American people.… Continue Reading

Socialism Attacks the Family, Just as Its Inventors Intended

Written by Dr. Paul Kengor

Last year, “socialism” was the most looked-up word at That is hardly a surprise. It clearly reflects growing interest, especially with the remarkable surge of lifetime socialist Bernie Sanders, who won a pile of states in pursuing the Democratic Party presidential nomination. He earned over 13 million votes nationwide. Many of those voters have only a hazy idea what socialism entails, but most surely know that it gives the government more control over the so-called “means of production” as well as your wallet and your property, but not as much as outright Communists crave.… Continue Reading

Liberals’ Memories Are Very “Fuzzy”


Written by Robert Knight

Socialism is still in vogue, regardless of its sorry record all over the world for the last century.  The Free Stuff Army is on the march, especially in the United States.

There’s something about deploying the government as a mugger to obtain the fruits of someone else’s labor that appeals to the worst in us.  But it invariably leads to poverty, dishonesty and even tyranny.

Years ago, I visited Jamaica when it was under a socialist government. … Continue Reading

Socialism: Pipedream and Reality

Socialism: Pipedream and Reality

Written by Robert Knight

Socialism is still in vogue, regardless of its sorry record all over the world for the last century.  The Free Stuff Army is on the march, especially in the United States.

There’s something about deploying the government as a mugger to obtain the fruits of someone else’s labor that appeals to the worst in us.  But it invariably leads to poverty, dishonesty and even tyranny.

Years ago, I visited Jamaica when it was under a socialist government. … Continue Reading