Written by David E. Smith
In May 2012, I wrote an article in response to President Barack Obama’s statement that he had “evolved” to support redefining marriage to include homosexual partners. In this article, I pointed out that it really wasn’t an “evolution” as much as it was a flip-flop.
Let me explain:
In 1996, as a candidate for the Illinois State Senate, Obama went on record in favor of same-sex “marriage.” Then in 2004, as a candidate for U.S.… Continue Reading
Written by Michael G. Haverluck
Former Florida governor and prospective 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush might have moved himself further away from the conservative voters he’s been trying to woo by inserting himself in the middle of Florida’s recent courtroom chaos, urging Floridians to “respect the rule of the law” recently changed by a pro-“gay” activist judge to legalize same-sex “marriage.”
The ruling on same-sex marriage by Florida District Court Judge Robert Lewis Hinkle was interpreted this month by state officials as allowing the union that was formerly banned by Florida’s traditional marriage amendment, which protected marriage as only between one man and one woman.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Jeb Bush, marriage, Mary Fallin, Peter LaBarbera, Phyllis Schlafly, Rick Snyder, Robert Lewis Hinkle, same-sex marriage, Scott Walker, Tom Corbett
Federal Issues, LGBTQ Agenda, Political | David E. Smith | January 14, 2015 5:00 AM | Comments Off on LGBTQ Lauds Jeb Bush’s Stand for SSM Ruling
Last Friday, Equality Illinois showed its gratitude to two Illinois House Republicans who broke ranks and declared their support for legalization of gay marriage in Illinois. The organization’s appreciation was in the form of $5,000 checks to State Reps. Ron Sandack (HERE) and Ed Sullivan (HERE).
For Sandack, the 2013 contribution from the gay activist organization is antithetical to his support in last year’s election, which included investments from conservative groups such as Paul Caprio‘s Family PAC (HERE), Jack Roeser (HERE), and Adam Andrzejewski‘s For The Good of Illinois PAC (HERE).
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Senator Jason Barickman Breaks With GOP
Written by David E. Smith, IFA Executive Director
Despite the fact that Illinois is facing serious financial and unemployment issues, including a bankrupt pension system, the Illinois Senate recently approved a bill to redefine marriage and family — on St. Valentine’s Day no less.
The vote results were 34-21 with 2 voting present. This destructive and foolish decision reveals the ignorance — or in some cases cowardice — of those who voted for the legal recognition of same-sex unions as marriage.… Continue Reading
Written by David E. Smith, IFA Executive Director
This past weekend, Pat Brady, Chairman of the Illinois Republican party, was interviewed on Fox 32 about his political activity to help Illinois Democrats pass radical Leftist legislation to redefine marriage and family. This conflicts not only with the Illinois Republican Platform and the National Republican Platform but also with the views of the majority of voters in the state –specifically members of Brady’s own party. (Watch the video HERE.)… Continue Reading
Tags: Bobby Jindal, Edward Ronkowski, Illinois GOP, LGBT, Marco Rubio, Michele Bachmann, Mike Flannery, Nikki Haley, Pat Brady, Republican Party, same-sex marriage, Susana Martinez, Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, Will County Central Committee, Will County GOP
Uncategorized | David E. Smith | January 21, 2013 11:39 AM | Comments Off on Pat Brady Digs In — Will County GOP Calls For His Resignation
Written by David E. Smith
Last night (1-09-2013), the Grundy County Republican Central Committee passed a resolution calling for the resignation of Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady to step down. Here is the motion that passed:
Be it resolved that the Grundy County Republican Party Central Committee immediately send correspondence to the Illinois Republican State Central Committee calling for the resignation of Patrick Brady as the State Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party and for his replacement by someone who supports the 2012 Platform of the Illinois Republican Party, including its position supporting traditional marriage and the traditional family.
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Exclusive: Matt Barber shames black organization for buckling to ‘gay’ activists
As his re-election hopes dim, the mainstream “progressive” media continue to run interference for Barack Obama. It’s predictable. They no longer even try to hide it. They persist in slobbering on their over-hyped, under-capable would-be savior as his campaign collapses around them. The sycophancy is embarrassing and the desperation palpable.
Most recently, they’ve created a stir around the NAACP crowd booing Mitt Romney at the decidedly liberal group’s national convention in Houston, Texas.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Brian Brown, Jr., Ken Hutcherson, Mitt Romney, NAACP, National Organization for Marriage, Obamacare, Rev. Bill Owens, Rev. Martin Luther King, same-sex marriage
Uncategorized | David E. Smith | July 14, 2012 6:05 AM | Comments Off on NAACP And the White Sexual Anarchists