Posts tagged: Roe v. Wade

Law That Hillary Clinton Wants Repealed Saved Over 2 Million Lives


Written by Michael Gryboski

A law restricting the federal funding of abortion that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton supports repealing is credited by a recent study with saving more than 2 million lives.

The Hyde Amendment, a federal law passed almost exactly 40 years ago in September 1976, prohibits the federal coverage of most abortion procedures.

Hyde is credited with preventing the abortion of approximately 2 million people over the past four decades, according to a report published by the pro-life research group the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

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Still ‘Pro-Choice’ After This? Then You Have no Soul


Written by J. Matt Barber

Moral clarity alert. The kid gloves are off. Time for some serious soul searching.

You proponents of the torturous live-dismemberment of children in the womb, just knock it off already. Your pro-abortion euphemisms – “pro-choice,” “reproductive freedom,” “women’s rights” and other such propagandist nonsense – have run their shameful course. As you regressive “progressives” like to say, “The science is settled.” Pre-born babies are objectively and empirically distinct persons with emotions, autonomy (though in a dependent stage of human development, not unlike post-birth babies) and the unalienable human rights intrinsic to all human beings.… Continue Reading

Obama’s Supremely Bad Nominee


Written by Gary L. Bauer

At the White House this morning, President Obama announced his nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court — Judge Merrick Garland of the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

The media are dutifully attempting to spin Garland as a “centrist” or a “consensus choice.” Consider this headline from the Los Angeles Times: “It’s Going To Be Hard For Conservatives To Oppose The Careful, Moderate Merrick Garland.”

Don’t be fooled, my friends.… Continue Reading