Written by Peter Heck
As the American political world gears up for what promises to be one of the most acrimonious, bitter, and embarrassing confirmation hearings in the history of the federal judiciary, I’m curious if anyone has picked up on a common theme when it comes to these reputation desecrations we call senatorial “advise and consent.”
Out of sheer curiosity I conducted an informal, and extraordinarily unscientific survey of a small group of 5 politically aware colleagues and friends.… Continue Reading
Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Elena Kagan, Joe Biden, John Roberts, Merrick Garland, Neil Gorsuch, Robert Bork, Samuel Alito, SCOTUS, Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
September 28, 2020 10:00 AM |
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Written by Peter Heck
There’s a developing tendency on the right when discussing the current presidential race to regard former Vice President Joe Biden as “at least a decent and honest guy.” He isn’t a communist like Bernie, that’s true. And he isn’t a congenital liar who deceives others for profit and power like Warren. Or isn’t he?
That’s the question that I think it’s important for conservatives to answer as we border on making Vice President Biden a palatable choice in the race for president.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Brett Kavanaugh, Chuck Schumer, Donald J. Trump, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Robert Bork, Ted Kennedy
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
March 11, 2020 9:00 AM |
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Written by J.R. Dunn
There is one single major cause for the chaos surrounding Republican SCOTUS confirmations over the past thirty years – the fulcrum for the entire exercise of humiliating conservative judges. It’s not the Democrats, it’s not the left, and it’s not the feminists. They aren’t the crucial factor. They simply take advantage of it.
Quite simply put, it’s the GOP weak links.
Let’s be clear on terminology: these are not RINOs. Of the four who succeeded in disrupting the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, none fits the classic mold of the RINO – the go-along-to-get-along type who adapts liberal principles and policies to reap benefits at the expense of rank-and-file Republicans. … Continue Reading
Tags: #NeverTrump, Bob Corker, Brett Kavanaugh, Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein, Jeff Flake, Joe Miller, Lisa Murkowski, Michael Avenatti, Olympia Snowe, RINO, Robert Bork, SCOTUS, Susan Collin
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
October 12, 2018 3:00 PM |
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Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe
Soon the U.S. Senate will hold hearings as to whether or not to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. One can only imagine the fireworks to come.
Beware of the Saul Alinsky model of the politics of personal destruction. Saul Alinksy, a Marxist and the father of the community organizers, wrote Rules for Radicals (1971), in which he states, “In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt” (pp.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, Bill Blankschaen, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Ed Meese, Erick Erickson, Henry Hyde, Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court, Robert Bork, Ronald Reagan, Rules for Radicals, Samuel Alito, Saul Alinsky, SCOTUS, Ted Kennedy
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
July 24, 2018 6:00 AM |
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