Posts tagged: Lyndon B. Johnson

A Coverup Most Have Never Heard About: The Attack on The USS Liberty

Written by Nancy Hayes

In the age of government coverups and disinformation, like Anthony Fauci and his gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab, Hillary Clinton’s private server and emails, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and, and, and…the list of high-level cover-ups goes on and on. There is one that precedes them all, but most people have never even heard about it: the attack on the USS Liberty.

Recently, the USS Liberty Veterans Association observed the 56th anniversary of the attack.… Continue Reading

Democrats Are Not the Working Class Party

Written by Walker Wildmon

For years, we’ve been told that the Democratic Party is the party of the working class. Democrats have traditionally been associated with the workers’ unions and government programs that are aimed at assisting middle- to low-income families. I would submit to you that this association is built on faulty ground.

Democratic elected officials in Washington have made a few major policy decisions that have had tremendous negative effects on middle-to low-income families.… Continue Reading

Leftists versus the People

Written by Jeffrey Folks

Do they really hate ordinary people that much?

Yes, they do.  For liberals, the distinction between the “dumb masses” and their enlightened selves renders life meaningful.  Disdain for ordinary folks is not just an ancillary trait of liberalism.  It is fundamental to the its nature.

At its heart, liberalism is a gnostic religion, and the essence of that religion is the believer’s faith that he possesses the means of changing the world for the better.  … Continue Reading

The Democratic Party’s Evolving Racism Toward Blacks


Written by Jeffrey B. Shellan

Democrats continue their 200-year tradition of setting low standards for African Americans.

“Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.”

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Obamacrats Go for More While the Clock Is Ticking


Written by Robert Knight

Barack Obama has about nine months left as president, and his administration is working overtime to abuse current regulatory machinery and create new rules that will “transform” America beyond recognition without any say by Congress.

“Nearly 4,000 regulations are squirming their way through the federal bureaucracy in the last year of Barack Obama’s presidency,” Politico reported in January, “many costing industry more than $100 million — in a mad dash by the White House to push through government actions affecting everything from furnaces to gun sales to Guantánamo.”… Continue Reading