Written by Dr. Paul Kengor
Last weekend I overheard two recent grads (both musicians) discussing America’s greatest composers. The usual names were raised: Copland, Gershwin, Bernstein, Sousa … Foster.
“Who?” said one.
“Stephen Foster,” replied the other.
Only one knew who Foster was, and neither knew he was from Pittsburgh. Both, ironically, recently spent a lot of time in Oakland, where the Stephen Foster statue once stood outside the Carnegie.
That statue, depicting Foster above a banjo-strumming Black man, representative of his song “Uncle Ned,” was removed in April 2018 after a contentious debate.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alexander Hamilton, Ben Franklin, Bernstein, Columbus, Copland, Dr. Paul Kengor, Flinn, Foster, George Washington, Gershwin, Giuseppe Moretti, Highland Park, John F. Kennedy, KKK, Lenin, Lincoln, Margaret Sanger, Oh! Susannah!, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Sousa, St. Junipero Serra, statues, Stonewall Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, the Confederacy, Ulysses S. Grant
Faith & Religion, Federal Issues | Benjamin D. Smith |
July 18, 2020 4:00 AM |
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Written by Jerry Newcombe
“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it,” said Santayana. Many young people today claim to prefer socialism—and in some cases, even communism (which is socialism’s more violent form)—over capitalism.
Recently a candidate for city council in Denver declared that capitalism has failed and that socialism is the future. Candi Cdebaca said that we are in the “last phase” of capitalism—as if it is dying. In contrast, she said, “I believe in community ownership of land, labor, resources and distribution of those resources.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Andropov, Beria, Berlin Wall, Bernie Sanders, Brezhnev, Bulganin, Candi Cdebaca, Ceausescu, Chebrikov, Chernenko, Dimitrov, Donald Trump, Dr. Paul Kengor, Dzerzhinsky, Eugene Fox-Genovese, Fidel, Frederica Mathewes-Green, General Maduro, Ho Chi Minh, Hoxha, Hugo Chavez, Jerry Newcombe, Khrushchev, Kim Il-Sun, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong-un, Latsis, Lenin, Ludwig von Mises, Malenkov, Mao, Mengistu Mariam, Mikoyan, Pol Pot, Raul, Santayana, Socialism, Tito, Trotsky, Ulbricht, Voroshilov, Zhivkov
Political | David E. Smith |
June 21, 2019 6:36 AM |
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Written by Dan Bongino
I’m not a morning person. I used to be a morning person, but after years of early morning shifts at the White House, something changed and I became much more efficient in the evening hours. My wife knows this about me and I recently remarked to her that with all the lying and deception going on in politics, some entrepreneurial politician should run on a platform to “ban mornings.”We laughed about it, but it sparked a thought.
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