Posts tagged: Kamala Harris

Abortion Is the Issue that Will Not Die

Written by Jerry Newcombe

Another anniversary of Roe v. Wade has come and gone. And in recent days, the pro-life movement has suffered some serious political setbacks.

Outgoing President Donald Trump was surprisingly pro-life. In contrast, incoming President Joe Biden, although he is a Catholic, has become so pro-abortion that he believes in abortion for any reason up to the very moment of birth—and that you and I should pay for it.

Vice President Kamala Harris is just a heartbeat away from the presidency.… Continue Reading

Kamala Harris Faces Criticism for Riot Hypocrisy

Written by Peter Heck

Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris is facing criticism after her remarks comparing the violence at Capitol Hill on Wednesday to the Black Lives Matter riots during the summer.

“We witnessed two systems of justice when we saw one that let extremists storm the United States Capitol, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protesters last summer,” Harris said in comments Wednesday night. “We know this is unacceptable. We know we should be better than this.”

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Standing with Trump Against Election Fraud!

Written by David E. Smith

America needs God-fearing patriots like never before! Establishment Media (aka Fake News) has cheered for and now celebrates the inaugural events for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Even some formerly stalwart outlets, such as Fox News Channel, have succumbed to the narrative.

But what is the truth, and how should conservatives respond?

Looking at the situation following Election 2020, the outlook seems bleak. The AP and every “news” station declared Mr.… Continue Reading

Never Give Up!

Written by David Limbaugh

I have long believed that the radical left represents an existential threat to the republic. Indeed, my last book, “Guilty By Reason of Insanity: Why the Democrats Must Not Win,” was based on that premise. So now what?

Since it appears that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will take office in less than three weeks, my deepest fears should only be intensifying. Right?

We needn’t carry on this disingenuous debate about whether Biden is a centrist, because his growing mental incapacity makes it a moot point.… Continue Reading

Secular Dems Mistakenly Invoke Jefferson’s Ideals To Try And Stifle Religion In America

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week a group defining themselves as Secular Democrats of America submitted a 28-page letter to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden calling on them to expunge religion from all sectors of American public life and to “re-educate” Christian Americans that they should keep their “religious dogma” to themselves.

In their document, titled “Restoring Constitutional Secularism and Patriotic Pluralism in the White House,” congressional Democrats Jamie Raskin of Maryland, Jared Huffman of California and Jerry McNerney of California bemoan life under the Trump administration:

“The constant entanglement of religion and government … sweeps far beyond hot-button ‘culture war’ issues … It permeates every aspect of government policy — health care, public and private education, foreign policy, tax policy, environmental policy, military policy, and more …”

They continue:

“[Government] decisions should be guided by science and evidence … We believe that now is the right time to make a case for reviving a Jeffersonian approach to governance that favors reason … and to disentangle government policy from the influence of … religious interests that have become dangerously entrenched at all levels of government.”

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Biden’s Cabinet Picks Avoid Left-Wing Loons But Show What He Means By ‘Unity’

Written by Robert Knight

Some progressives are grousing that Joe Biden’s Cabinet choices aren’t sufficiently Marxist. They want Bernie Sanders named as Labor secretary, for instance. The Nation magazine is less critical but also wants more lefties.

You just can’t please some people. The fabricated “Office of the President-Elect” has announced what amounts to a reunion of the Obama administration’s radical crew, and then some.

Take Susan Rice. After the United Nations ambassador was caught lying about the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi on Sept.… Continue Reading

The News That Biden Voters Didn’t Know

Written by Tim Graham

Journalists have strongly slanted the “news” during the Trump era in order to destroy Donald Trump’s presidency, and to destroy it early if possible. Their actions betray that they feel they have important and influential platforms from which they can and should run America in between elections. The voters can have a say for about two weeks every two years.

Recall 2004, when Newsweek‘s Evan Thomas admitted the press would go all in for Democratic presidential and vice presidential nominees John Kerry and John Edwards, and that the effort would “be worth maybe 15 points.”… Continue Reading

The Censorious Left Is Obliterating Free Speech

Written by David Limbaugh

A lot of things worry me about a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration, but nothing troubles me more than that it will accommodate the left’s disturbing march toward selective suppression of free speech.

Much of the war against this sacred liberty occurs at the level of our culture, but when a leftist-friendly administration is in power, our efforts to combat this culturally will be more difficult.

As a result of structural and technological changes in our society, threats to free speech no longer come from government alone, and so, our constitutional guarantees against encroachments are now inadequate.… Continue Reading

Kamala Harris and the Democrats Have a List

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week I made a mistake. I was careless and retweeted something before I fact-checked it. I shouldn’t have. I was lax, I was lazy and what I posted turned out to be fake news.

Here’s my post.

“And once he’s gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions because we’ll be coming for you next.

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Trump’s High Pro-Life Priority

Written by Molly Carman

Soon after his release from Walter Reed Military Hospital where he received treatment for the coronavirus, President Donald Trump prioritized communicating the importance of pro-life legislation. Yesterday, President Trump posted a series of tweets concerning his pro-life convictions by reiterating his stance on the abortion issue and drawing attention to Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s position.

Trump’s first tweet drew attention to comments made by Joe Biden during a town hall meeting last night in Miami, Florida.… Continue Reading