Posts tagged: Joe McCarthy

How ‘Woke’ Conservatives Cancel Their Own Culture

Written by Cliff Kincaid

Conservatives have canceled their own culture. Glenn Beck was a recent example, blasting anti-communist U.S. Senator Joe McCarthy and warning of a new “Red Scare” targeting conservatives. We should have taken the old Red Scare more seriously and could have avoided our current fate.

That fate, recently described by federal Judge Laurence Silberman, is the “ideological consolidation” of the media in the hands of the Democratic Party and its allies. Marx called it the centralization of the means of communications in the hands of the state.… Continue Reading

Biden Claims the Mantle of Unifier-in-Chief … lol

Written by Laurie Higgins

As of this writing, the Democrats have claimed victory for Kamala Harris and her confused running mate Joe Biden. Following numerous reports from key battleground states about Hammers, Scorecards, and the appearance of strange polling place goings on, legal challenges and recount demands have just begun. But Never-Trumpers, lily-livered Republicans, Democrats, and their lapdogs in the media heap ridicule on anyone who dares to suggest that maybe—just maybe—there  could be a corrupt political operative or two in America who could have used hacking tricks of the trade and strong arm tactics at polling places to skew election results.… Continue Reading

On Trump, Democrats, and Socialism

Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor

I published a piece recently on the reaction to President Trump’s condemnation of socialism in his State of the Union. He said something indisputably factual and indubitably obvious to most Americans: “Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”

It was a revealing moment not only for President Trump but also for the Democratic Party.… Continue Reading

Bernie’s Bolshevik Bona Fides

Written by Robert Knight

So, it’s come to this: one of America’s major parties is in the grip of a crazy old communist – Bernie Sanders, 77 – and a crazy young communist – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 29.

The two of them are driving the Democrats’ green microbus upon which the other presidential wannabees are scrambling to get aboard.

This column is about the crazy old communist – Vermont U.S. Senator Sanders, who just announced his candidacy for the presidency and raised $6 million.  … Continue Reading