Posts tagged: Jenna Smith

SPOTLIGHT: Creation Science & The Christian II

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this Spotlight episode, David E. Smith and Self Evident‘s Jenna Smith continue the conversation with Eric Hovind, President and Founder of Creation Today, and Helmut Welke, President of Quad City Creation Science Association. This conversation includes discussion on faux fossils, the importance of training your children to ask the right questions, and why a young earth perspective is crucial to a Biblical worldview. Eric Hovind capitalizes on the importance of sharing one’s faith in order to strengthen one’s faith.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Creation Science and The Christian

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

Self Evident’s Jenna Smith co-hosts this week’s episode of Spotlight with David Smith to converse with two special guests about the importance of Scripture and the necessity of knowing the Creator.

One of these special guests is Eric Hovind, the President and Founder of Creation Today, an organization based in Pensacola, Florida. Eric has a deep passion to reach people with the life-changing message of the Gospel and this has driven him to speak in five foreign countries and all fifty states.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Culture Proofing Your Kids

Written by David E. Smith

In this episode of Spotlight, Self Evident’s Jenna Smith interviews Will and Meeke Addison. This power couple hosts a a daily radio/podcast program focused on Marriage, Family and the Church titled “Airing the Addisons” on American Family Radio.

Will and Meeke were keynote speakers at this year’s Illinois Christian Home Educators conference, where they spoke on the vital importance of discipling your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and the opportunities homeschooling provides: “We see [homeschooling] as an opportunity to pour in our children and make them culture proof.”… Continue Reading

Election 2022: Time to Stand in Illinois

Written by Lynn Bowman Tabb

Just 40 miles west of Chicago, the crowd was hot Tuesday night at the Fire Pritzker Rally in St. Charles’ Arcada Theater. And with good cause! “We the people” of Illinois have had enough of J.B. Pritzker’s tyrannical mandates. Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate Darren Bailey is proving himself to be the man to lead the people and scale back the reach of government in the lives of Illinoisans.

Throughout the event, speakers echoed the idea of taking a stand.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Fetal Rights and the End of Roe

Written by David E. Smith

Could the Fourteenth Amendment, specifically the Equal Protection Clause, be the means by which Roe v. Wade is overturned? Dr. Steve Jacobs, program director of Illinois Right to Life, joins IFI’s Monte Larrick and Jenna Smith to explain why he is confident the U. S. Supreme Court will overturn this landmark decision. Beginning with the question of what “pro-life” really means, Dr. Jacobs discusses his reservations about basing law on states’ rights and shares why he feels the issue of equality ought to be the essence of the pro-life movement.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Ultimate Guardrail For Your Daughters

Written by Jenna Smith

To the great sorrow of pro-life, pro-family citizens of Illinois, on December 17, 2021,  Governor JB Pritzker signed into law House Bill 370, thereby repealing the Parental Notice of Abortion Act and eliminating the right for parents to be made aware of a minor daughter’s pregnancy and impending abortion.

Joining me for an important Spotlight conversation are IFI contributors Kenna Rose and Alyssa. Please listen as we discuss the impact of the repeal of the Parental Notice of Abortion Act and the repercussions of HB 370, the disingenuously named Illinois Youth Health and Safety Act.… Continue Reading

“Homeschooling, Anchors, and Salty Arrows” (Illinois Family Spotlight #255)

Back for a last hurrah, this week’s podcast features the last installment of the “catastrophe cubed” interview. Featuring Kenna and Eliana Hartian and Jenna Smith, the offspring of IFA’s executive director David Smith and board member Richard Hartian, this treble of rollicking females conclude their guest appearance with a discussion about effective Christianity, the many benefits of homeschooling besides academics, the supremacy of the Word, and some public-home school comparisons.

"Homeschooling, Anchors, and Salty Arrows" (Illinois Family Spotlight #255)
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SPOTLIGHT: Busting Myths, Homeschool Style

Written by Benjamin Smith

Every homeschooler who’s had any home education experience at all has heard the myths about homeschooling. The most familiar ones are cautionary tales about the “unsocialized homeschooler,” the homeschooler who lacks any extra-curricular opportunities, or the “disadvantaged” homeschool student who will never gain admittance to college. Here to permanently put to rest these unfounded myths are David Smith, executive director of IFI and IFA, and Richard Hartian, chairman of the IFA board of directors.… Continue Reading

“Busting Myths, Homeschool Style” (Illinois Family Spotlight #254)

Producer’s note: I apologize for not apprising listeners that last week’s podcast (#253) would be one segment and not two. This podcast will have the same format, likewise the third part next week. David Smith, Rich Hartian and their daughters recorded this series of podcasts all at one time, thus the questionable ending last week.

Any homeschooler who’s had any homeschooling experience at all has heard myths about homeschooling. These include the “unsocialized homeschooler,” the homeschooler that has no extra-curricular opportunities, or that poor homeschooler who won’t be able to go to college.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Defying Scriptural Hierarchies in Every Way Possible

Written by Benjamin Smith

For better or worse, the Illinois General Assembly is back in session and a plethora of controversial, radical, and just plain ridiculous bills are scheduled for consideration. Monte Larrick and David Smith are joined by Jenna Smith, David’s oldest daughter, as they discuss the compelling reasons to retain the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Jenna shares her perspective as an older teen and articulates the devastating mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences that could impact young girls (17-years and younger) if parental notification is repealed.… Continue Reading