Posts tagged: Harvard University

Democrats Make Race the Measure of All Things

Written by Robert Knight

Did you ever think you would see the day when Jewish students on elite college campuses were afraid to attend classes?

Pro-Hamas mobs have taken over. They have built tent cities and made it clear that Jews and anyone supporting Israel is an enemy.

At Columbia University, Israel-born Shai Davidai, an assistant professor at the business school, was told that his keycard was deactivated after he spoke at a pro-Israel rally.… Continue Reading

Real Threats to Democracy Still Come From the Left

Written by David Limbaugh

A dark cloud looms over the United States today — a storm cloud of tyranny. All the rest is noise — a diversion.

If self-congratulatory pats on the back could cause skin damage, Trump haters would have leprosy. Having been on a witch hunt to burn him at the impeachment stake since he took office, they believe they are vindicated forevermore.

But apart from their brutal mistreatment of President Donald Trump from the beginning through their coordinated and malicious hoaxes that incidentally rejected lawful election results (in 2016), and apart from the question of whether they have some legitimate complaints against him, this is still not mainly about him.… Continue Reading

A People’s Politics

The Totalitarian Subversion of the Individual

Written by Terrell Clemmons

On April 12th, 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to leave Earth and orbit in space, and upon successful completion of the mission, a huge reception was held in his honor. At that reception, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev reportedly cornered him and asked, “So tell me, Yuri, did you see God up there?”

Gagarin paused before answering, “Yes sir, I did.”… Continue Reading

Why Does Al Gore Keep Denying Science?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past Wednesday, May 29, former Vice President Al Gore spoke to the graduating seniors at Harvard University. A summary of his talk? There is an “assault on science” that threatens “the capacity of the human species to endure” on planet Earth.

Mr. Gore proceeded to warn both students and faculty at Wednesday’s annual Class Day convocation, stressing that “reason” and “rational debate” were under threat from what he called “ideology of authoritarianism” by those who disagree with him and his political agenda.… Continue Reading