Posts tagged: Gender Identity

Transgender Delusion Needs to End

Written by Robert Knight

About half of America’s 50 states seem to care more about children’s well-being than about being sufficiently “woke.”

That’s why they don’t embrace gender insanity and instead ban puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones and irreversible surgery for minors.

The U.S. Supreme Court this past week heard arguments on Tennessee’s law barring trans treatments for minors.

Some justices blew wide holes in the case for creating trans kids. But it’s by no means a lock that this allegedly conservative court will restore sanity on this issue.… Continue Reading

Title IX Revision Threatens Religious Liberty for Thousands of Students

Written by Jorge Gomez

First Liberty and legal experts around the country are sounding the alarm about the Biden administration’s recently proposed changes to Title IX.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a civil rights law that protects students from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. It was signed into law to give female athletes equal opportunity and treatment in sports, from elementary schools to colleges.… Continue Reading

Ignorant Democrats Refuse to Hear About Gender Mutilation

Written by David E. Smith

Apparently, Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are terrified of their own agenda. Last week, a group of Democrat lawmakers walked out of a committee meeting en masse rather than watch a short video from a liberal “gender transition” surgeon explaining how the procedures are performed on children.

After sitting through seven hours of markup in the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, it was finally time for U.S. Representative Kat Cammack (R-FL) to voice her opinion about a bill that would subsidize gender transition surgeries for minors as part of a children’s hospital funding bill.… Continue Reading

Parents Revolting Against the Perversion of Their Children Draws Fire

Written by Robert Knight

Parents are up in arms from San Francisco to Florida and everywhere in between.

They’ve had a good look at what the schools are doing to their children, and they don’t like it one bit. Naturally, the parents are being told to shut up and keep paying taxes to support an educational establishment that despises their values.

The media, like the leftist teachers unions, reflexively cast parents as the bad guys.

Fresh from its prominent role in gaslighting America for three years over the Russian collusion hoax, the “legacy” media are now eviscerating parents and politicians who are trying to protect children from early sexualization.… Continue Reading

“A Christlike Response to Sexual Anarchy” (Illinois Family Spotlight #111)

This edition of Spotlight features another talk by Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Analyst: Laurie Higgins. She speaks on the genesis of her involvement as a cultural activist; the importance of discriminating between the terms gender identity, gender roles, and cis-gender people; gender dysphoria in children and distributing puberty blockers to them; desistance and detransitioning; and the public eradication of sex differences for everybody everywhere.

"A Christlike Response to Sexual Anarchy" (Illinois Family Spotlight #111)
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The Left’s Slippery Slope

Written by Elad Hakim

Republicans and Democrats agree on little these days.  This is especially true when it comes to certain social issues.  For example, many Republicans believe in the traditional definition of marriage (man and woman).  Democrats, on the other hand, take a much broader approach.  Republicans tend to believe that a person is born as a man or a woman and that science dictates one’s sex.  Democrats have a different view.  One thing is certain: the country is currently on a left-leaning, steep, and slippery slope to the abyss.… Continue Reading

The Terrifying Changes Britain has Seen Since Instituting Same-Sex “Marriage”

Written by Joshua Denton

Roughly four years ago, then Prime Minister David Cameron announced that MP’s would decide whether or not to redefine the meaning of marriage. The announcement came as somewhat of a surprise as David Cameron had not made any mention whatsoever in his pre-election manifesto (or platform) signalling his intention to initiate this possible shift.

In the ensuing chaos leading up to the vote, David Burrows MP, a mild-mannered supporter of the ‘Coalition for Marriage’, had excrement thrown at his house.… Continue Reading