Posts tagged: Donald Trump

GOP Primary Process Rigged


Written by Daren Jonescu

One predictable element of the current Republican primaries is that each time Donald Trump‘s supposed inevitability is challenged, he will tell you it is because the process is unfair. He, his official spokesmen, his “unofficial” enforcers, his sycophantic “conservative media” surrogates, and his hornet’s nest of online commenters, consistently greet any momentary setback with a cacophonous chorus of “rigged,” “stolen,” and above all “unfair.”

To be fair to Trump, it is true that life really is unfair sometimes.… Continue Reading

Donald Trump Says Favorite Bible Verse Is ‘Eye for an Eye’


Written by Michael Gryboski

Billionaire real estate mogul and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has said while it’s “not a particularly nice thing,” the Bible verse about “an eye for an eye” is among is favorite scriptures.

In an interview with WHAM 1180AM, Trump was asked to name his favorite verse in the Bible. He responded that he liked “many” verses, but one of them was “an eye for an eye.”

“That’s not a particularly nice thing.

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Kasich: I ‘Probably’ Wouldn’t Sign Bill Keeping Men Out of Women’s Restrooms


Written by Ben Johnson

John Kasich said on Sunday that he would “probably not” sign a bill preventing biological males from using women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and showers – and those who are hung up on the issue should “take a deep breath,” “chill out,” and “get over it.”

Face the Nation” moderator John Dickerson ended his interview with the the Ohio governor and presidential hopeful by asking if Kasich would sign a bill similar to the one enacted by North Carolina Gov.Continue Reading

How The Clintons Made Donald Trump

DEM 2016 Clinton

Written by Ben Shapiro

Donald Trump is a boor. He’s a vulgarian, a liar, an ignoramus. He has only the most cursory grasp of policy, a stentorian voice and a great big set of self-assurance. He’s winning the Republican nomination.


It is partly because of the Clintons.

While the media point and laugh at the Trump reality show carnival, they forget that the Clintons originally took us all to the circus. This week, we found out that Hillary Clinton’s email scandal now occupies the attention of 147 FBI agents, and that she will be questioned by the FBI.… Continue Reading

The Cold Hard Truth


Written by John Kirkwood

There are conservatives who support Donald Trump, and, if they’re honest, cringe nearly every time he opens his mouth. They have to. Donald doesn’t know Jack, and he’s running on Dexter Manley – “Fake it til you make it.” And they know this but they don’t care.

The conservatives who support Trump believe that he’s the only one who can “blow up” the establishment, or build the wall, or throw the hammer through the screen of political correctness, etc.,

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Donald Trump Is Beneath Contempt


Written by Bryan Fischer

This column is not about politics. It is about basic human decency, civility, and respect for women.

The latest fracas involving Donald Trump began when a Super PAC, unaffiliated with the Cruz campaign, produced an ad featuring a nude photo of Donald Trump’s wife wrapped in fur, taken from a GQ magazine spread.

Senator Ted Cruz and his campaign had nothing to do with the ad. In fact, they are prohibited by law from interacting with Super PACs in any way.… Continue Reading

Team Cruz: It’s Time To Pull The Goalie & Name Your Running Mate


Written by John J. Kirkwood

Before he can crush the serial felon that is Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz has got to beat the serial liar that is Donald Trump.  And he must do it before the love child of De Niro’s Wag the Dog and Pacino’s Simone becomes the Republican Presidential nominee.  The Donald may be the biggest farce in American political history but he’s rallying the dispossessed with the verve and the acumen that The Governor showed in Woodbury.… Continue Reading

NYC: Leftist and Muslim Anti-Trump Protesters Battle Cops


Written by Robert Spencer

Even those who, like me, aren’t supporters of Donald Trump, should see what is at stake here. Everywhere Leftist protesters occupy the streets, those whose opinions are deemed insufficiently progressive are abused, mocked, ridiculed, brutalized and physically menaced. This lawlessness is rapidly becoming the norm. The American public square is being transformed beyond recognition and is ceasing to be an arena for free discourse.

Although this violence and brutalization of political opponents is a new phenomenon in American politics, it has a historical antecedent: the Nazi Brownshirts.… Continue Reading

What’s Wrong with ‘Democratic Socialism?’

Democratic Socialism

Written by Robert Knight

Ever wonder how Bernie Sanders’ brand of “democratic socialism” differs from socialism in general, which has wreaked havoc all over the world?

The short answer is: only by degree.  Progressives of all stripes work to establish “equality” by empowering governments. The difference is their place on the axis of forced egalitarianism.

Like other democratic socialists, the Vermont Democrat rejects communism, National Socialism (Nazis), fascism and other variants as anti-democratic.  The democratic socialists insist that they can preserve human liberties while forcing everyone into communal economic arrangements. … Continue Reading

Evangelicals Accuse Fellow Believers of Abandoning Faith to Support Trump

Trump Liberty

Written by Jon Ward

Donald Trump’s support from self-identified evangelical voters has sparked a debate among Christian leaders over what that term means, and a move to narrow the definition of this term or abandon it altogether.

The civil war within American Christianity that Trump’s candidacy has sparked is similar to the one going on inside the Republican Party, with a particularly large faction dead set against ever supporting Trump.

The split is between a subset of evangelicals best categorized as “creedal” believers — those who take their faith most seriously and who oppose Trump.… Continue Reading