Posts tagged: Donald Trump

The Gloomy American Left

Written by David Limbaugh

The fury of leftists is a constant today, and it’s not just because they hate President Donald Trump. Despite all their dreamy talk of compassion and love, they seem to be a miserable lot.

Democrats recaptured control of the U.S. House of Representatives [last] week, and leftists are already grinding their teeth over Trump and salivating at the prospect of putting him and Justice Brett Kavanaugh through investigatory and impeachment hell for the next two years.… Continue Reading

Say No to Nanny Bloomberg

Written by Michelle Malkin

No matter how politically fractured the nation may seem, I believe that liberty-loving citizens of all ideologies can unite and agree:

Billionaire Nanny Michael Bloomberg — the soda-taxing, gun-grabbing, snack-attacking control freak — should keep his nose out of our lives and out of the 2020 presidential race.

On the eve of the midterms, the former New York City mayor dumped $5 million into a self-serving ad bashing President Donald Trump, promoting Democrats, decrying border enforcement and preaching about a “higher purpose” in Washington.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Embracing Lawlessness

Written by David E. Smith

This week we shine the Spotlight on a very accomplished and busy guest! Kathy Barnette is a wife, homeschooling mother of two, popular conference speaker, and conservative political commentator frequently seen on Fox News. She is a veteran, serving over 10 years in the Army Reserve and receiving acceptance to Officer Candidate School. Earlier in her career, Mrs. Barnette was an Adjunct Professor of Corporate Finance and Economics, and also worked as an analyst for two major Wall Street firms.… Continue Reading

Europe Suppresses Speech for Muslim ‘Feelings’

Written by L. Brent Bozell

In the age of Trump, the American media insist that freedom of speech is in danger because they somehow consider mocking journalists a suppression of free speech. Now imagine if America had a law where you couldn’t mock Christian doctrines without facing a fine. The press would again denounce the curtailment of free speech but now you’d also hear the cries of “theocracy!”

And yet the First Amendment worshipers were missing on Oct.… Continue Reading

The Illinois Gubernatorial Dilemma

Written by David E. Smith

A good number of folks–especially on social media–are asking why I continue to refuse to vote for the incumbent Republican governor even in the wake of the Sam McCann betrayal. It’s pretty straight forward. I believe that Bruce Rauner is more dangerous to the conservative cause than J.B. Pritzker could ever be.

Bruce Rauner, the leader of the Illinois Republican Party, has severely damaged the conservative cause and has battered the GOP brand in inconceivable ways over the past four years.… Continue Reading

Who Are the Real Partisans?

Written by David Limbaugh

Someone please tell me what bizarro world Democratic activists inhabit — those who are grumbling that Republicans are unscrupulous partisan warriors imposing their agenda by government coercion and trampling the innocent, passive left in the process.

This is frighteningly delusional and shockingly divorced from reality.

Without question, Democrats and their never-Trump supporters on the right would have us believe that Donald Trump is the very creator of partisan politics, someone who has gobsmacked the unsuspecting collegial political left into abject impotence.… Continue Reading

We’re in a Culture War, But Only One Side Is Fighting

Writte by John Zmirak

America’s left showed its ugly intolerant face in the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. It’s only bound to get uglier as we approach the National Impeachment Referendum on November 6. (That’s the right term for what some call the “mid-term Congressional elections.” They’re about impeaching Trump and even Kavanaugh, and nothing else at this point.)

When you’re facing ruthless opponents who are in many ways stronger than you, you face a moral dilemma. How much should you “rise above” their blatant and brutal tactics, and hope to win converts and sympathy?

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Complacent Conservatives Should Learn the Murkowski Lesson

Written by Daniel Horowitz

If we are so busy “owning the libs” that we ignore the libs festering within our own ranks to the point where “our party” agrees with 90 percent of what the libs want, isn’t it time we focused on cleaning our own house?

The biggest news of the day outside the Kavanaugh cloture vote in the U.S. Senate is that one Republican, Lisa Murkowski from the solid red state of Alaska, voted against him.… Continue Reading

Investigate the U.S. Senate Democrat Wrecking Machine

Written by Michelle Malkin

How did we get here? The Kavanaugh U.S. Supreme Court nomination circus didn’t happen by accident. The emergence of incredible — and by “incredible,” I mean the literal Merriam-Webster definition of “too extraordinary and improbable to be believed” — accusers in the 11th hour was no mistake.

It is my contention that this grand unearth-and-destroy spectacle was planned, coordinated and facilitated by U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats and their staffers.

After the FBI finishes its Freshmen Booze Investigations, Federal Barfight Interrogations and Fraternity Barfing Incidents probe of every last Yale and Holton Arms acquaintance and publicity hound ever photographed with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, every cog in the Resistance Wrecking Machine must be investigated:

Protest Orchestration.Continue Reading

Why Christians Should Support Building a Wall – Part II

Written by Jonathan Clay de Hale

In just the week since Part I of this two-part series was published, we’ve learned from a new study that the number of foreigners illegally living in the United States is twice as high as the conventionally accepted level of 11.3 million (and could be as high as 29.1 million, as suggested earlier); that Democrats intend to pressure President Donald Trump to raise the refugee resettlement number to 110,000 refugees a year (five times the number of foreign refugees taken in 2018); and that the Border Patrol found nearly 200 illegal aliens from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador wandering in the Arizona desert—the third such finding in the last month.… Continue Reading