Posts tagged: Democrats

The Media’s Broadcast Brutality Against Trump

Written by Tim Graham

Liberals are beginning to swagger around as if the 2020 election is already over. Eugene Robinson at The Washington Post exclaimed that President Donald Trump‘s reelection campaign is “beginning to look like the Titanic.” Joe Biden should be preparing his inauguration remarks.

One reason for this arrogance is the absolutely punishing media coverage of Trump. The coronavirus pandemic did what some might have thought was impossible: made Trump coverage even more negative.… Continue Reading

Much Ado Over Not Very Much

Written by William Murchison

A history professor I once studied under tended to offer weary responses to technical and highly dispensable questions of the sort that arise in weary seminars. To wit: “But what’s that got to do with the price of eggs?” Or, more pointedly sometimes, “the price of eggs in Arkansas?”

I thought of this aptly characterized boredom threshold as I watched the impeachment — um — hearings on Monday. Hearings? Snorings seems more to the point: a canopy of mingled objections and arguments and the preening of elected officials who know well enough they are on television.… Continue Reading

Nancy Pelosi’s Prayers

Written T.R. Clancy

An ardent, prayerful, and moral Nancy Pelosi has been called from sitting for her holy-card portrait to lend her aid in getting the president impeached — and the nation torn apart in the process.

She’s been on TV constantly, lecturing America that it’s the moral burden of Democrats to undo the 2016 election by any means necessary.  The U.S. Constitution, she keeps saying, demands it.  She just never mentions where.

But even as she expends herself, Mother Teresa–like, for the good of humanity on the impeachment crusade, she can still serve other mission fields as well.  … Continue Reading

The Left Is on a Mission to Annihilate Conservatism

Written by David Limbaugh

While President Donald Trump is an ideal scapegoat for leftist hatred and demagoguery, the left’s ultimate goal is to permanently reduce conservatism and the Republican Party to minority status by indelibly associating them with racism.

Listen to what the Democratic presidential candidates and other Democrats are saying. If you support border enforcement, you are a racist. If you support Trump, who pushes border enforcement, you are a racist. If you don’t condemn Trump for being a white supremacist, which he is not, you are a white supremacist.… Continue Reading

When the Democrats Win, Freedom Loses

Written by Star Parker

The headlines about the incoming 116th Congress scream that our representation has never been so “young,” so “blue,” so “diverse.”

If diversity is about how people look, this Congress is very diverse. It’s a fact that there has never been so great a number of representatives who are women and people of color.

There are 124 women, 55 blacks, 43 Latinos and 15 Asians.

But if diversity means diversity of thought, it’s practically nonexistent.… Continue Reading

Patriotism in America

Written by Kristin Keller

This week, many Americans are donning flag apparel and singing “God Bless the USA” as they watch fireworks to celebrate America’s heritage. In earlier times, a Fourth of July Celebration was an act of unity, as our nation’s unique blend of people came together to show respect for our country’s icons and traditions and to celebrate its continued success.

Just this week, a Gallup poll asking U.S. adults how proud they are to be Americans showed that for the first time in the poll’s history, only 47 percent responded that they are “extremely proud.”… Continue Reading

The Missing Democratic Agenda

Written by Matthew Continetti

Oh, to have been a fly on the wall in Elizabeth Warren‘s house as people went crazy over the prospect of Oprah 2020. I can only imagine Warren’s reaction. Did she yell at the TV? Mutter under her breath? Immediately call her media consultant in panic?

We know the slight got to her. By midweek she was making the rounds on cable. There she was, with Mark Warner of Virginia, reminding us of her existence, talking about God knows what, and smiling uncomfortably when asked, inevitably, what she thought of the Lady O.… Continue Reading

Hate, Bernie Style

Written by Robert Knight

Two remarkable things unfolded last month.

The Democrats openly embraced socialism in the form of single-payer health care. And they announced a secular, anti-Christian test for public office. The two go together like Abbott and Costello. Or better yet, since this is far from funny, Marx and Lenin.

“Democratic Socialist” Vermont U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ scheme for a single-payer, government-run health care system has already been endorsed by 16 Democrat senators.… Continue Reading

WELL DONE, DEMOCRATS: The Entire State Of Illinois Is About To Go Bankrupt

Written by Elliott Hamilton

Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) of Illinois believes that his state is on the verge of “banana republic territory” because the state faces an imminent financial crisis. As described in a story published by The Fiscal Times on June 12:

Last week, the state marked the second full year in which Gov. Bruce Rauner and a combative Democratic legislature were unable to agree on a new operating budget. The state Senate the week before rejected a House-passed budget measure premised on a $7 billion revenue shortfall after Rauner threatened to veto it.

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A Widening Love-My-Country Gap From Dems

Written by Chad Groening

Longtime conservative activist Gary Bauer is concerned about the growing patriotism gap between the two major political parties in America.

A recent Gallup poll found that fewer Democrats are proud to be Americans.

The survey, conducted in March 2017, revealed 67 percent of Democrats are “extremely proud” or “very proud” to be Americans; that compares to 78 percent in 2016.

There was little change among Republicans and Independents. In fact, the survey shows Republicans’ pride at 92 percent.… Continue Reading