Posts tagged: Colin Kaepernick

Agree With Us, or Else: Soviet-Style Totalitarian Spirit Afoot in America

Written by Robert Knight

The first thing the communists did after the 1917 Russian Revolution was round up anyone who disagreed with them.

They shut down newspapers and denied all public forums to dissenters. This included their “useful idiot” socialist allies.

We think it can’t happen here, but some recent moves to stifle free speech and enforce official viewpoints should give us pause.

Last Tuesday, the satellite TV provider DirecTV kicked the fast-growing conservative cable news network Newsmax off its network.… Continue Reading

NFL Salutes Woke Culture

Written by Robert Knight

Five years ago, on Sept. 11, 2016, the National Football League unveiled a remarkable two-minute video, “Football Is America.” Featuring well-known black and white players, the video saluted the military, first responders, and the idea of e Pluribus Unum – out of many, one. They didn’t actually use the phrase, but it was clearly the message.

Football, the players said, was a great healing agent following the horror of the 9/11 terrorist attack 15 years earlier.… Continue Reading

Kneeling to Political Correctness

Written by Robert Knight

So, Colin Kaepernick is the current face of American professional sports.

This is the guy widely panned four years ago for his protests during the playing of the National Anthem at National Football League games.  Now he’s the bee’s knees.

That’s the picture from a Washington Post poll that says a majority (56 percent) of Americans actually approve of athletes kneeling in protest when the Star-Spangled Banner is played.  Only 42 percent of those polled say it’s “not appropriate.”… Continue Reading

How to Cultivate Racism and Hate in America

Written by Robert Knight

What would we do without virtue signalers instructing us about how hopelessly racist America is?

They’ve been out in force even more than usual since the tragic death of George Floyd and the riots that followed.  It’s hard to escape their false narrative, peddled by CNN, the major networks, every major newspaper and most politicians.

They say America has made little or no racial progress in the last 60 years, that the police are all wannabe Bull Connors, that income inequality is enforced by “institutional racism,” and that “America is a failed social experiment,” as Harvard professor Cornel West says.… Continue Reading

Top Ten Reasons I’ll Never Support the Pro-Abortion #BlackLivesMatter Movement

Written by Ryan Bomberger

Every life unjustly killed deserves justice. In the cause to make things right, I will not join a movement that has nearly everything wrong. More innocent lives have now been killed (#BlueLivesMatter, too) since these predominantly violent protests began over George Floyd’s horrific death. What about the black lives killed in this nationwide chaos? Do they matter?

“Well, you don’t have to agree with everything. Just pick out the good things in the #BlackLivesMatter movement,” I’m told.… Continue Reading

When It Comes To China, We All Need Renewed Moral Clarity

Written by Julie Tisdale

The U.S Senate unanimously passed a bill this week to support pro-democracy efforts in Hong Kong, a move that prompted an angry response from Beijing. According to Reuters, the measure requires that the U.S. “certify at least once a year that Hong Kong retains enough autonomy to qualify for special U.S. trading consideration.” A separate bill, also passed unanimously, places a moratorium on selling crowd control “munitions” (such as tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and stun guns) to Hong Kong police, who have been accused of brutality in dealing with protestors.… Continue Reading

Kicking Off More Contempt for America

Written by Robert Knight

What is it with our ruling elites? How did they come to have so much disdain for America?  Some recent events have yet again brought this unfortunate situation to the surface.

Let’s start with Nike, the Portland, Oregon-based sportswear mega-company.  It did not become a Fortune 100 corporation by chance or careless management.

Debuting as Blue Ribbon Sports in 1964, the firm under Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight officially adopted the Nike name and the famous Swoosh logo in 1971.… Continue Reading