Posts tagged: border security

25 No-Brainer Immigration Plans to Make America Safer — and Win the Election

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Republicans are bleeding their traditional suburban voters at a quick pace. They are without a narrative and nearly out of time to make a difference for this election. When they return from summer recess, they have one final opportunity to either make a big play on the top issue on voter’s minds. Or they could simply monkey it up by running out the clock while they are losing.

According to recent polls, immigration is the top concern of voters.… Continue Reading

The Theory of Political Relative Relativity

Written by Michelle Malkin

It’s quite simple: Some political relatives are more equal than others.

Agenda-driven journalists love to exploit familial dysfunction when a prominent politician is conservative and his or her kinfolk espouse liberal views. When a vengeful offspring, sibling, cousin or distant relation wants to wreak havoc, instant fame and adoration are just a tweet or call away. The media schadenfreude over such bloody bloodline battles is thicker than California wildfire smoke.

By contrast, relatives who openly challenge powerful Democrats are dismissed as gadflies and publicity hounds.… Continue Reading

How Trump Can Protect the Border Without Congress

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Can a group of foreign nationals rush our borders, claim to be unaccompanied minors or have a credible fear of persecution, and get in – while there is nothing an American president can do to protect America’s sovereignty, security, culture, schools, and social programs from the invasion? Does the president need permission from the courts or even a new act of Congress to just say no?

The political class would have you believe that, but it is simply not true.… Continue Reading