Posts tagged: Big Government

Big Government in Illinois Is Growing

Written by David E. Smith

The corporate media will not tell you this, but as a resident of Illinois, you need to know that during the 103rd General Assembly (2023-2024), more than 9,800 bills were filed during this legislative session. Thus far, Governor JB Pritzker has signed 1,057 of these bills into law. And since the session isn’t officially through until January 8, 2025, that number may yet grow.

On New Year’s Day, 293 of those laws will take effect.… Continue Reading

I’m Done With The Democrats’ ‘Good Intentions’

Written by Robert Knight

I used to chalk up liberal policy failures to good intentions gone awry.

Having embraced liberalism in college, I thought it was the best way to help poor people. But as evidence mounted that it hurt them, I had to reassess. Many people also do that after taxes shred their paychecks, especially if they marry and have children.

This is one reason Democrats have been reflexively hostile to marriage, using the courts to redefine it.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Jeanne Ives on the Importance of the Lesser Magistrate

Written by David E. Smith

Where do we go from here? Our state is currently suffocating under the weight of massive debt and failed Democratic policies. Yet, former state representative Jeanne Ives says there is hope for Illinois conservatives. She suggests the Republican Party focus on promoting truth, electing conservatives to local governing bodies and boards, and insisting on competency from candidates and government – some TLC, if you will. Jeanne also details the three big issues on which Republicans must stand in unity and gives insight on the compensation Illinois taxpayers pay our public “servants” (warning, you might need to monitor your blood pressure).… Continue Reading

“Passing The Buck: The Demand for Principled Lesser Magistrates” (Illinois Family Spotlight #235)

Where do we go from here? Our state is currently suffocating under the weight of massive debt and failed Democratic policies. Yet, former state representative Jeanne Ives says there is hope for Illinois conservatives. She suggests the Republican Party focus on promoting truth, electing conservatives to local governing bodies and boards, and insisting on competency from candidates and government – some TLC, if you will. Jeanne also details the three big issues on which Republicans must stand in unity and gives insight on the compensation Illinois taxpayers pay our public “servants” (warning, you might need to monitor your blood pressure).… Continue Reading

Definitions of Socialism Broaden as Support for Capitalism Drops, Gallup Research Shows

Written by Wendy Wilson

Americans today are less likely to define socialism as government ownership of the means of  production and more likely to describe it in relation to equality or government benefits and social services, according to a new Gallup poll conducted in September.

Only seventeen percent of Americans in 2018 define socialism as government ownership of the means of production compared to twice that number in 1949 when Gallup first surveyed Americans on the term.… Continue Reading

Democrats Thrive by Keeping Americans Divided, Dependent, and Angry

Written by Dennis Prager

In almost every area of American life, the better things are, the worse it is for the Democratic Party. And vice versa.


Even today, after decades of feminism, most Americans agree that it is better for women (and for men)—and better for society—when women (and men) marry.

Yet, when women marry, it is bad for the Democratic Party; and when women do not marry, even after—or shall we say, especially after—having children, it is quite wonderful for the Democratic Party.… Continue Reading

Madigan’s Bipartisan Deception vs. Taxpayers

Written by David E. Smith

As you know by now, over the Independence Day weekend, the Illinois General Assembly passed a massive tax hike for families and businesses. When Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed the proposal, the Illinois Senate and House quickly overrode his veto. What does that mean for taxpayers? Well, the personal income tax rate has now increased by 32 percent, surging from 3.75 percent to 4.95 percent, and the corporate rate has jumped from 5.25 percent to 7 percent.… Continue Reading

Charity Should Begin at Home — And Not in Washington

Written by Terry Schilling

In a recent Liberty Minute, “Charity Begins at Home,” Helen Krieble condemned the attitude of excessive reliance on the government for welfare:

Have you ever heard the old saying that charity begins at home? Now we seem to believe charity begins with the government. Whenever there is a tragedy of any kind, people look to government to rebuild homes, bail out failing businesses, and replace people’s lost possessions.

But when we look through the lens of liberty, we realize government can only provide for some people by taking from others.

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