Posts tagged: Barack Hussein Obama

The First Fake Media-Induced Mental Illness

Written by Jeffery Ford

Fake mainstream news sources have actually succeeded in broadcasting so much unbridled fear into the United States that weak-kneed left-leaning Americans are coming down with a mental illness that goes by two different names: Trump Anxiety Disorder and Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The symptoms of these conditions include a delusional belief that it’s the end of the world, a disorientation that’s beyond the liberal norm, an unhealthy obsession with following every liberal news channel’s apocalypse of the day, a deep sense of anxiety and dread, and being prone to unhinged hissy fits if anyone dares to besmirch the sterling reputation of either Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama.… Continue Reading

The Repercussions of President Trump


Written by Luke Hamilton

It’s not difficult to imagine the heady excitement of a presidential election day which culminates in a victory rally for Donald Trump. The crisp November wind cutting through the crowd, which has huddled together to await The Donald’s speech. Barely-suppressed glee infuses the audience, as the realization that the reign of Barack Hussein Obama has ended, sets in. President-Elect Trump steps out on stage, his hair flapping in the breeze as if waving to the throng of supporters.… Continue Reading