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The Illinois Family Spotlight podcast will highlight a specific cultural or political issue of which our listeners should be aware. Our discussions will be informed by a biblical worldview that will help expose the lies and distortions promulgated within secular culture. We will be interviewing policy experts and scholars whose knowledge and insights will help listeners form a wiser worldview.


Category: Spotlight

PODCAST: America the Beautiful, Going, Going, Gone, If Republicans Abandon Trump

Those who have eyes to see not just trees but forests too, likely see the toppling of America right before their eyes. The blinkered eyes of the tree-lookers ignore the good President Trump has done and notice only the tangy appearance of the “bad Orange Man.” They can’t hear the prophetic calls of wise men like Victor Davis Hanson who warns that electing marionette Joe Biden will prove cataclysmic for the American Republic. They can’t hear the relatively few wise people remaining in America because leftists are shrieking at them through bullhorns. … Continue Reading

“Freedom Also Bears Responsibility” (Illinois Family Spotlight #205)

On this edition of spotlight, multiple interviews are featured to discuss a range of related issues. The first guest is Kelly Shackelford, the president of First Liberty Institute, he discusses the court situation in America with Monte. The next is John Stonestreet to discuss the precarious state of abortion in America, especially Roe v. Wade.

The second half of this spotlight features Dr. Del Tackett and David Shestokas. Dr. Tackett talks about responding to our cultural storm and David Shestokas brings wisdom from America’s founding documents, especially as we exit a shutdown and celebrate the nation this weekend.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Quisling Carly Fiorina Supports Biden for President

Once and former presidential candidate Carly Fiorina just announced her intention to vote for Joe Biden. She accompanied her announcement with this amusing rationalization for her traitorous betrayal of Republican principles:…

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PODCAST: Quisling Carly Fiorina Supports Biden for President
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“Demanding Acquiescence in ALL Areas of Life” (Illinois Family Spotlight #204)

Peter Labarbera, the President of Americans for Truth and the Center for Morality, joins this episode to discuss the recent U. S. Supreme Court decision to rewrite the Civil Rights Act of 1964. After talking about the possible results of the drastic decision, Monte Larrick and Labarbera discussed the “Equality Act” and the 2020 election.

"Demanding Acquiescence in ALL Areas of Life" (Illinois Family Spotlight #204)
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PODCAST: The Democratic Agenda: Is this Really What Americans Want?

Democrats label those who object to the Black Lives Matter organization and Critical Race Theory “racist.”

Democrats label as “racist” or Uncle Toms those who have different ideas from Democrats on how to address the problems that plague urban black communities.

Democrats label as ” racist” anyone who objects to police brutality and acts of racism by police but supports police departments.

Democrats fire people for…

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PODCAST: The Democratic Agenda: Is this Really What Americans Want?
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Ignorance of the Bible and Our History is Plaguing Us (Illinois Family Spotlight #203)

The BLM riots continue: the attention of the raging rioters has shifted to attacking the statues of historical Americans. Both the alleged reason and the downright historical ignorance of these rioters are addressed in this episode of Spotlight. Latasha Fields, the leader of the Christian Home Educators Support System, speaks about the disproportionate impact of demonstrably bad democratic policies in communities with higher pigmentation, and why the church generally must step up and help that part of Christ’s Body which is suffering.… Continue Reading

“Living the Truth in the Context of this Cultural Moment” (Illinois Family Spotlight #202)

More parents are looking to homeschooling and private education as government schools in Illinois face uncertainty because of the CCP virus and pro-LGBT history in classrooms starting very soon. During this time of racial unrest, leftists are pressing the U.S. Senate to pass The Equality Act: the game-changing legislation which would raise sexual attraction and “gender” perception to the same level as race in our laws. BreakPoint commentator John Stonestreet weighs in during this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Black Red Yellow Brown and White Lives Matter Let’s Help Them

Black lives do matter, but not because they’re black—which, as “progressives” continually tell us—is just a social construct. Black lives—like red, yellow, brown, and white lives–matter not because of the color of their skin but because they are human lives created in the image and likeness of God and endowed by God with unalienable, intrinsic rights.

Since society is composed of fallen humans with desperately wicked hearts, many forces conspire against people of color and colorless people, including some toxic systemic forces that demand solutions.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Hairbrained Schemes to Defund Police

Minneapolis City Council member, community organizer, and Antifa-supporter Jeremiah Ellison—son of the first Muslim to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and current Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison—tweeted this yesterday:

We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department.

Not to be outdone, Lisa Bender, Minneapolis City Council president, then tweeted this:

Yes, We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department and replace it with a transformative new model of public safety.

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“People Love Darkness Rather Than Light” (Illinois Family Spotlight #201)

2020 keeps getting crazier. This time cities around the world are being pillaged and torched by rioters taking advantage of the protests of the unjust George Floyd murder. In this week’s spotlight, David Smith interviews Dr. Eric Wallace and Stephanie Trussell for their perspective on the insanity in the first and second halves of the show, respectively.

"People Love Darkness Rather Than Light" (Illinois Family Spotlight #201)
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