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The Illinois Family Spotlight podcast will highlight a specific cultural or political issue of which our listeners should be aware. Our discussions will be informed by a biblical worldview that will help expose the lies and distortions promulgated within secular culture. We will be interviewing policy experts and scholars whose knowledge and insights will help listeners form a wiser worldview.


Category: Spotlight

Classical Options And Hybrid Education (Illinois Family Spotlight #258)

In this installment of Spotlight, David Smith is joined by Jennifer Burns, founder of the Classical Consortium Academy. The two converse about the benefits of a classical upbringing, involvement of parents, and the art of teaching children HIS-story, math, science, and all the other essentials, with a Godly foundation. They also discuss winsomeness and confronting ideas contrary to Scripture with love.



Classical Options And Hybrid Education (Illinois Family Spotlight #258)
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“We Should Not Be Ashamed of Our History” (Illinois Family Spotlight #257)

On this edition of Spotlight, the Reverend C.L. Bryant urges Americans to “push back and stand up against the tyranny that is encroaching upon our civil liberties.” Speaking with Monte Larrick, he stresses that individual freedom and our right to self-governance are in jeopardy. Rev. Bryant recounts his experience growing up in Shreveport, LA in the midst of the civil rights movement and contrasts it with the message that proponents of Critical Race Theory are touting today.… Continue Reading

“It’s Not Education, It’s Perversion” (Illinois Family Spotlight #256)

Kirk Smith, executive director of Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE), wonders what will be the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back – the backs of Christian parents, even the backs of moral, non-Christian parents – when it comes to deciding to leave the cesspool of government schools? Will it be the recently passed legislation that requires availability of feminine hygiene products in both female and male school restrooms or will it be the mandate to teach hardcore sex education to public school students as early as kindergarten?… Continue Reading

“Homeschooling, Anchors, and Salty Arrows” (Illinois Family Spotlight #255)

Back for a last hurrah, this week’s podcast features the last installment of the “catastrophe cubed” interview. Featuring Kenna and Eliana Hartian and Jenna Smith, the offspring of IFA’s executive director David Smith and board member Richard Hartian, this treble of rollicking females conclude their guest appearance with a discussion about effective Christianity, the many benefits of homeschooling besides academics, the supremacy of the Word, and some public-home school comparisons.

"Homeschooling, Anchors, and Salty Arrows" (Illinois Family Spotlight #255)
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“Busting Myths, Homeschool Style” (Illinois Family Spotlight #254)

Producer’s note: I apologize for not apprising listeners that last week’s podcast (#253) would be one segment and not two. This podcast will have the same format, likewise the third part next week. David Smith, Rich Hartian and their daughters recorded this series of podcasts all at one time, thus the questionable ending last week.

Any homeschooler who’s had any homeschooling experience at all has heard myths about homeschooling. These include the “unsocialized homeschooler,” the homeschooler that has no extra-curricular opportunities, or that poor homeschooler who won’t be able to go to college.… Continue Reading

“Proper Indoctrination” (Illinois Family Spotlight #253)

Written by Benjamin Smith

If you are reading this, the chances are pretty good that you know a homeschool family or two–or may be homeschooled yourself. Christian homeschooling in Illinois is a thing mostly because Illinois is surprisingly a rather free state for parents to train their children at home.

In the IFA Spotlight this week to reflect on their homeschool experience are two home-high school graduates and one home-high school senior: Jenna Smith, a daughter of IFA Executive Director David Smith, and Kenna and Eliana Hartian, daughters of IFA board chairman Richard Hartian.… Continue Reading

“Demanding Transparency and Accountability” (Illinois Family Spotlight #252)

Those who love the darkness don’t want to come into the light. They flee like so many cockroaches to the shadows. As the Scriptures say, men loved the darkness rather than light, for fear their deeds would be exposed. Newly minted Illinois state senator (and former state representative) Darren Bailey is not one of those swamp roaches. His career in Springfield has been in exposing the utter incompetence, or the rank sinful competence exhibited by Illinois government.… Continue Reading

“The Transing of Public Schools” (Illinois Family Spotlight #251)

On this edition of Spotlight, Laurie Higgins joins Jim Schneider, host of VCY America’s CrossTalk program, for a lively discussion of the ubiquitous indoctrination agenda in our nation’s government schools. Laurie’s experience as an educator and, for the past thirteen years, IFI’s cultural affairs writer has given her valuable insight on the small, subtle, incremental steps that have led public schools away from focusing on academic instruction to prioritizing social and sexual indoctrination.

Laurie and Jim discuss trans-cultism and the “transing” of public schools; the distinction between sex, gender, and gender identity; and the heartbreak of “detransitioners.”Continue Reading

“Critical Grace Reality” (Illinois Family Spotlight #250)

Ever wonder why most secularists seem perpetually angry? Consider the possibility that they are trying to be justified by works–dry bones trying to walk around all by themselves. This phenomena is especially evident in Critical Race Theory (CRT), where people are either prompted to feel like they are the chosen “race,” or are told that they are inherently evil and can only be saved by keeping the “antiracist” law. There is no grace in CRT, only judgement and condemnation.… Continue Reading

“Defying Scriptural Hierarchies in Every Way Possible” (Illinois Family Spotlight #249)

For better or worse, the Illinois General Assembly is back in session and a plethora of controversial, radical, and just plain ridiculous bills are scheduled for consideration. Monte Larrick and David Smith are joined by Jenna Smith, David’s oldest daughter, as they discuss the compelling reasons to retain the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Jenna shares her perspective as an older teen and articulates the devastating mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences that could impact young girls (17-years and younger) if parental notification is repealed.… Continue Reading