While America has unquestionably had deep racial problems and an agonizing history of oppressing Black people through slavery, Jim Crow, and other outrages, it seems that there are some among us who do not ever want to see the problems solved—or to admit progress in any form. There are those who make enormous profits, both monetarily and socially, by perpetuating the friction caused by America’s racist past, in contrast to Martin Luther King Jr.’s hope of a color-blind society.
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America moved closer to a 180-degree shift last week when President Joe Biden established the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States. And now, the treacherous idea of court-packing is closer to becoming reality, as Democrats filed a bill this week to add four (4) seats to the U.S. Supreme Court.
I haven't seen much humor in life during the past year or so, but one thing that has been uproariously hilarious lately is the orchestrated media narrative that President Joe Biden is bipartisan and conciliatory. Please give me a moment to catch my breath.
This week, Project Veritas released a video of Charlie Chester, a CNN technical director, talking to a woman who recorded him during what he thought were "dates"; she had purposely targeted him and videoed him surreptitiously. While you might not agree with her tactics, her videos reveal that CNN was involved in what proved to be a successful media campaign to control the political process.
U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) came under blistering attack from Washington Post scribe Aaron Blake for having wondered whether President Joe Biden is really in charge, since he's kept an extremely low profile with the press. Blake took after the senator for implying the Trump spin that old Joe has lost a few mental gears and is something of a "Manchurian Candidate." "It's a baseless and ugly bit of innuendo," Blake wrote.
It’s a fact – all laws discriminate. While discrimination based on ethnicity or skin color is never acceptable, discrimination based on behavior is appropriate. Speaking at IFI’s 2017 Worldview Conference, Dr. Frank Turek highlights the lies and hypocrisy surrounding the establishment of protected classes of individuals, public bathroom policies, and transgenderism. 
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of decades, it’s hard to deny that the basic values that once served as the foundation of our republic have vanished like dust in the wind. The essential virtues that, just yesterday, formed the bedrock of our free society have crumbled... We now live in a house built upon the shifting sands of emotional subjectivity rather than the solid rock of what is factual and true.
Conservatives have canceled their own culture. Glenn Beck was a recent example, blasting anti-communist U.S. Senator Joe McCarthy and warning of a new “Red Scare” targeting conservatives. We should have taken the old Red Scare more seriously and could have avoided our current fate.

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In light of the very real threat posed by the Equality Act, a number of Christians have offered compromise solutions, most notably the Fairness for All Act. This alternative would carve out exemptions for churches and certain religious organizations, though it’s unclear which ones, but it would not protect the religious freedoms of private Christian citizens who are medical professionals, business owners, bakers, florists, photographers, and so on.