A British leftist group calling itself the Center for Countering Digital Hate has issued a report on what it calls the "Toxic Ten," which are so-called fringe websites spreading "climate change denial." The ten include our group, the Media Research Center, as well as Breitbart, The Daily Wire, Townhall Media, Newsmax, The Washington Times and The Western Journal.
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Joining Monte Larrick on the podcast is David J. Shestokas, a former Cook County State’s Attorney and current Republican candidate for Illinois Attorney General. In his position as counsel for Illinois Conservative Union (ICU), Shestokas is uniquely qualified to address the federal lawsuit ICU has filed against the Illinois State Board of Elections, as well as discuss various violations of the National Voter Registration Act and problems with mail-in balloting. If elected to the office of Illinois Attorney General, Mr. Shestokas promises to follow up on election irregularities and properly enforce voter laws.
Remember when Democrats proposed in their multi-trillion spendathon that the IRS would track all transactions of $600 or more in personal bank accounts?

Well, they took a licking from the public, so they upped it to a still-absurd $10,000 in total yearly transactions. 

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Ever get the feeling our country is being led by a captain with no sense of direction, that the officers on the boat can’t tell up from down or right from left. Does every news story cause you to become increasingly uneasy? Do you feel that you’re on a ship without a rudder, a vessel that is being tossed to and fro with every blowing wind and tossing wave of political confusion, economic crisis, and social conflict?
This year the Biden administration has orchestrated the most widespread invasion of illegal aliens at our border on record. At the same time, the number of arrests and deportations in the interior have plummeted to the lowest level in recent memory. As such, the federal government is the entity that has seceded from the compact established in 1789. States should respond in kind by doing what it takes to rid themselves of other countries' criminals at any and all costs.
Money, power, and control – it seems that this trio are at the root of most of the decisions, directives, and policies in Illinois. In their conversation at the recent Illinois Conservative Union conference, Monte Larrick and current State Senator and gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey discuss several issues where the desire for power and wealth appears to be blinding our legislators to the express will of their constituents.
One of the greatest barriers to living a life of liberty is fear.

It comes in many forms: Fear of offending others, fear of failing, fear of terrors, real and imagined, and fear of death. The media have become experts in stoking fears of every kind.
During the weeks of October 19-21 and 26-28, Illinois state lawmakers will be headed back to Springfield for the annual "Veto Session." We have multiple concerns about their agenda, but here are our top three issues that we believe should be brought to your attention...
The left claims that their most urgent battle is to save democracy, but when it comes to any questioning of the LGBT lobby, they are the ones who sound like authoritarians. The overtones are unmistakable in the "news" coverage promoting "dozens" of employees walking out of Netflix in Los Angeles on Oct. 20 in protest. The target? A popular Dave Chappelle comedy special, "The Closer."
Bill O’Reilly has a revealing quiz he has created and shared on his website and in radio interviews. The quiz is rather persuasive for the average non-political person, independent, or swing voter who may have voted for Joe Biden because they didn’t like Donald Trump. Here is his simple, but revealing 10-question quiz...