IFA to Host_Agenda 2_Doc_Bensenville

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Latest Articles

Franklin Graham

Written by Gary Bauer

Billy Graham, America’s beloved evangelist, saved many souls during his lifetime at massive gatherings he called “crusades.” His son, Reverend Franklin Graham, launched a new crusade this week aimed at saving America.

Franklin Graham made headlines recently when he announced that he had switched his political registration and had become an independent, something many conservatives have done in recent years. But, as we reported and the media ignored, Graham was in no way telling people to abandon the culture war and avoid the political process.… Continue Reading


Cruz for Pres


Presidential candidate Ted Cruz today announced his 46-person Illinois Leadership Team that will help direct his strong grassroots organization and bring his consistent, conservative message to voters throughout the Prairie State. On Monday January 4, 2016 the Cruz for President campaign filed a full slate of delegates and alternates in all 18 Illinois Congressional Districts.

“I’m honored and grateful to have the support of these strong conservatives across Illinois,” said Cruz. “This group of elected officials, Republican chairmen, grassroots activists, Tea Party leaders, evangelicals and pastors represents conservatives in every part of the state, and they are capable of producing one of the best ground games in the country.”… Continue Reading



Republican congressional candidate Kyle McCarter today welcomed the support of The Club for Growth PAC, which endorsed him over incumbent nominee John Shimkus.

“The Club for Growth is the gold standard of conservative principles, and their endorsement today demonstrates that my message of fiscal restraint, core values, and free market economics is reaching true conservatives,” McCarter said.

A member of the Illinois State Senate, McCarter is seeking the party nomination in the state’s 15th Congressional District, which comprises much of the state’s southeastern quadrant from Danville in the north, Metropolis in the south, and going west to Madison county in the metro east.… Continue Reading


flags flying

Written by John Biver

The news on the ground here in Illinois is that in 2016 we’re going to see more of the same. The state party, big Republican Party donors, and the failed political consultant class plans to execute the same losing strategy as they have in past elections. The only change this time will be that more money will be spent than in previous years on all of the tried and true ineffective methods.… Continue Reading



Written by Katie Kieffer

For over 40 years, Hillary Clinton has been pushing to put women in combat and now she’s close to succeeding—whether women like it or not.

Your daughter or granddaughter could soon be compelled to register with the Selective Service at the age of 18 alongside all American males. Today, I’ll share what you need to know to confront Hillary and Obama’s unconstitutional and unscientific approach to fighting the phony War on Women and the real War on ISIS.… Continue Reading



Written by Michael Medved

Donald Trump supports the idea that immigration and customs officials should ask any migrants or visitors to our country whether they’re Muslim, and if they are Muslims, they should be denied entry.

Why would this make us safer against potential terrorists?

If an extremist plans to perpetrate violence against America and Americans, he (or she) would certainly be willing to lie about his religious affiliation. As former anti-terror prosecutor Andrew McCarthy makes clear, the only people who’d be hurt by asking Muslims to identify themselves, or to register with the government based on their religious faith, would be law-abiding Muslims.… Continue Reading



Written by Victor Davis Hanson

Barack Obama entered office in 2009 with overwhelming popular goodwill and solid majorities in both houses of Congress. He chose not to translate that political heft into passing “comprehensive immigration reform” (i.e., open borders and amnesties) or more gun control.

He opposed gay marriage. He warned that he could not use presidential fiats to grant amnesty, close down Guantanamo, or remake the EPA in his own image. He borrowed as never before, in vain hopes of kick-starting a natural recovery that he would soon abort through his own anti-business jawboning, more regulations, growth in government, and tax increases.… Continue Reading


Tiny Dancer

Written by Robert Knight

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a longtime Clinton ally, is facing an insurrection over his handling of a white police officer’s shooting of a 17-year-old black youth on October 20, 2014.

Coalition for a New Chicago, a liberal pressure group, is calling for his resignation. The U.S. Justice Department announced a civil rights investigation on Dec. 8, and Democratic State Rep. La Shawn Ford has filed a bill in the Illinois legislature that would allow a mayoral recall election.… Continue Reading


CVN Priebus Senate

Written by Robert Knight

The same people who caved every time to Mr. Obama are going to talk tough again during this coming election year. Well, that’s a relief. I was afraid they would speak softly to go along with the wet noodle they carry as their “stick.”

“Low Prices Fail to Spark Growth,” a recent headline in the Wall Street Journal said.

Economists scratch their heads wondering why the windfall of low gasoline prices has not spurred consumer spending.… Continue Reading


Sifting Wheat

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
~Luke 22:21-32

Things haven’t changed that much in the past 2000 years.  Jesus warned Simon Peter, and prayed for Simon Peter.  He could be saying it to me … or you.

It is very clear to me, we are being thrown into the air like grains of wheat. … Continue Reading
