
If Your Local School Allows ‘Day of Silence,’ Keep Your Child Home

Written by Buddy Smith

On Friday, April 15, high schools (and many middle schools) across the country will be observing the LGBT movement’s annual “Day of Silence.”

During this all-day event, student activists and even school officials encourage students to be silent for the entire day as a sign of solidarity with the international LGBT movement. Students are encouraged to wear special pro-homosexual badges, stickers, and bracelets – which are often handed out at the school entrances that day.… Continue Reading

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Americans Spend More on Taxes and Food, Clothing, and Housing Combined

From the Tax Foundation

What Is Tax Freedom Day?

Tax Freedom Day is the day when the nation as a whole has earned enough money to pay its total tax bill for the year. Tax Freedom Day takes all federal, state, and local taxes and divides them by the nation’s income. In 2015, Americans will pay $3.28 trillion in federal taxes and $1.57 trillion in state and local taxes, for a total tax bill of $4.85 trillion, or 31 percent of national income.… Continue Reading



Written by David From, Americans for Prosperity Illinois

Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan is at it again, attempting to raise taxes.  He’s again proposing a constitutional amendment, HJRCA 26, his so-called “Millionaire’s Tax.”  This same proposal was defeated in 2014 and last year, and for good reason.  This measure could be voted on as early as today so please click here to contact your legislators and urge them to oppose the Madigan Tax …again!

When Madigan suggested this in 2014, the non-partisan Tax Foundation wrote, “a large share of Illinois employers would be impacted by this legislation, since 61% of employers in (Illinois) are pass-through entities.… Continue Reading



Written by Eric Kohn

Rich Miller wants Bruce Rauner to surrender.

This has been a theme of Miller’s since shortly after Rauner was inaugurated.  [Recently] in a guest column at Reboot Illinois, he used the loss of two high profile Rauner-backed primary candidates to renew his call.  Miller begins with this sentence:

It’s almost impossible to make a deal with somebody who won’t accept reality.

Let’s talk about reality.

Miller is correct that Rauner lost two races where he had made a significant investment.  … Continue Reading


Hillary Clinton, Unborn

Written by Leonardo Blair

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is now facing the wrath of pro-choice activists who are attacking the former first lady for saying a baby is a “child” and an “unborn person.”

Clinton made the comment after she was asked about her position on abortion and if she believes an unborn child has constitutional rights during an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd.

“When or if does an unborn child have constitutional rights?”

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Written by Dan Bongino

I’m not a morning person. I used to be a morning person, but after years of early morning shifts at the White House, something changed and I became much more efficient in the evening hours. My wife knows this about me and I recently remarked to her that with all the lying and deception going on in politics, some entrepreneurial politician should run on a platform to “ban mornings.”We laughed about it, but it sparked a thought.

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Written by David Limbaugh

Conservatives and other Barack Obama critics are entitled to a big “I told you so,” after Obama’s stunning admission that he doesn’t believe there’s that much difference between communism and capitalism.

Actually, it’s not that stunning to people paying attention. Many of us warned about Obama’s Marxist sympathies before he was first elected president, and we’ve repeatedly pointed it out during his presidency. Obama was raised and mentored by communists and spent many years engaged in community organizing (radical leftist activism).… Continue Reading


DEM 2016 Clinton

Written by Ben Shapiro

Donald Trump is a boor. He’s a vulgarian, a liar, an ignoramus. He has only the most cursory grasp of policy, a stentorian voice and a great big set of self-assurance. He’s winning the Republican nomination.


It is partly because of the Clintons.

While the media point and laugh at the Trump reality show carnival, they forget that the Clintons originally took us all to the circus. This week, we found out that Hillary Clinton’s email scandal now occupies the attention of 147 FBI agents, and that she will be questioned by the FBI.… Continue Reading



Written by John Kirkwood

There are conservatives who support Donald Trump, and, if they’re honest, cringe nearly every time he opens his mouth. They have to. Donald doesn’t know Jack, and he’s running on Dexter Manley – “Fake it til you make it.” And they know this but they don’t care.

The conservatives who support Trump believe that he’s the only one who can “blow up” the establishment, or build the wall, or throw the hammer through the screen of political correctness, etc.,

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Written by Justin Haskins

Six years ago, President Barack Obama signed into law the Affordable Care Act (ACA), radically transforming the U.S. health care system and insurance marketplace. Proponents of the ambitious legislation promised it would improve the quality of care for all Americans and provide access to health insurance for millions of people who couldn’t afford insurance but didn’t qualify for Medicaid. Proponents also said insurance companies would make billions of dollars in additional revenue from the expanded health insurance market, largely resulting from the individual mandate.… Continue Reading



Written by Dan Bongino

I left the Secret Service five years ago because I was deeply troubled by the direction President Barack Obama was taking the country. I, along with millions of conservatives, libertarians, and JFK Democrats, have repeatedly warned the country about Barack Obama and, sadly, he has proven us right again and again. Yet, many Americans choose to blind themselves to this president’s radicalism. Tragically, none of this is conjecture or hyperbole; we can determine the ideological motivations of Barack Obama by simply listening to his own words, and the words of his closest advisors.… Continue Reading
