Written by John Biver
First a bit of news from Western Journalism. In one of his typically difficult to watch and listen to comments, President Barack Obama had this to say about those warning about voter fraud:

It happens to be based on no facts. Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology, conservative or liberal, who has examined these issues in a serious way will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are not to be found.

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On this week’s podcast:  Ed Ronkowski once again joins Monte Larrick and Dave Smith to shed some light on pressing questions about marijuana and its legal status. Mr. Ronkowski dispels the common misunderstanding that marijuana crowds prisons, and the panel discusses the idea marijuana is “not that bad,” whether medicinal marijuana is an acceptable medical option, and how Illinois is currently facing the marijuana question.

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Written by Bob Smietana

Americans with evangelical beliefs share a great deal in common. They trust in Jesus alone, evangelize their neighbors, and believe the Bible is the final authority in their lives.

But when it comes to voting, race and political affiliation still divide evangelicals, according to a survey from Nashville-based LifeWay Research taken before the second presidential debate.

Overall, fewer than half (45 percent) of those with evangelical beliefs who plan to vote support Donald Trump, according to the survey.… Continue Reading



Written by David E. Smith

Illinois Family Action is excited to announce the best voting resource for the Illinois General Election – the IFA Voter Guide – now updated and available for your review!  Just log on at to get started.

This free online voter guide is an evaluation of candidates and includes a detailed summary of important information that will help inform you on where the candidates stand on important issues like religious liberty, natural marriage, and the sanctity of life.… Continue Reading



Written by Robert Knight

Corruption and abuses of power by America’s ruling class are becoming such everyday occurrences that they leave one wondering if there is any bottom to it.

No matter how outrageous the power overreach, it just keeps happening without apparent consequences to the guilty.

Several years ago, we learned that the Barack Obama administration had transformed the Internal Revenue Service into a wrecking ball against the tea parties and other conservative groups. Congress held hearings, vowing to punish the guilty.… Continue Reading


In this five minute video, Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, explains why fifteen years after September 11, 2001, there is no end in sight in the defense against the global Islamic jihad.

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Written by Kenneth R. Timmerman

The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.

The New York Post ran a detailed investigative piece over the weekend about Ms. Abedin’s work at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1995 through 2008, a Sharia law journal whose editor in chief was Abedin’s own mother.… Continue Reading



Written by Pete Kasperwoicz

The new surge of illegal immigration at the southern border is being driven by the U.S. election and the related debate over whether to ease or tighten immigration laws, according to representatives of border agents and border-state sheriffs.

The last few months have seen a dramatic rise in apprehensions of illegal immigrants, on a scale that rivals 2014, when members of both parties agreed it became a humanitarian crisis. That crisis abated in 2015, but the numbers have spiked again, and federal officials have mostly been silent on why.… Continue Reading



Written by Frank Newport

One of the fundamental questions that have divided the U.S. this election year — and, in fact, since its founding 240 years ago — concerns the appropriate role of the federal government. A new update of a longstanding Gallup trend shows that Americans continue to favor a smaller role for government, with 54% saying the government is attempting to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses, and 41% saying it should do more to solve the country’s problems.… Continue Reading



Written by Ben Shapiro

All black people are leftists.

Clarence Thomas is not a leftist.

Therefore, Clarence Thomas is not black.

So goes the logic at the new Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture Museum. According to The Weekly Standard, Thomas is nowhere to be found in the museum. One of only two black Supreme Court justices in American history, and perhaps the court’s finest modern thinker – yes, even better than Justice Antonin Scalia, whose insistence on stare decisis marred the consistency of his originalism.… Continue Reading


Written by Natalie Johnson

Professors in higher education have become notably more liberal during the past 25 years, according to a recent study, and academics predict that the trend isn’t likely to slow any time soon.

During the past quarter-century, academia has seen a nearly 20-percent jump in the number of professors who identify as liberal. That increase has created a lopsided ideological spread in higher education, with liberal professors now outpacing their conservative counterparts by a ratio of roughly 5 to 1.… Continue Reading
