
Written by Sara Burnett
Associated Press

The state where both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton used to live is still reliably Democratic when it comes to picking a president.

But drill a little deeper and it’s clear the political map changed, with more counties flipping from Democrat to Republican just as they did in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, helping Donald Trump become president.

While Trump won a smaller percentage of the state’s overall vote than Mitt Romney did in 2012 due to dismal support in Chicago and its suburbs, he won a dozen more counties than Romney.… Continue Reading

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Written by Oren Cass

Score one for the 2012 Republican autopsy. Notwithstanding this week’s “white working-class” wave, often linked to those voters’ purported latent racism and xenophobia, the net effect of Trump’s campaign was to make substantial progress with nonwhites relative to Romney’s performance in 2012.

Early Wednesday morning, exit poll data began to circulate that showed Trump improving the GOP’s standing with both African-Americans and Latinos. Less clear was just how central a role this shift played.… Continue Reading


Trump Pence victory

Written by Chris Pandolfo

Wednesday night on the “Mark Levin Show,” Conservative Review’s Editor-in-Chief addressed the historic election that swept Republicans into power and placed Donald Trump in the White House.

Levin offered his congratulations to President-elect Donald Trump, but he reminded his audience that it was not Trump who defeated Hillary Clinton. Rather, the constitutional conservatives who went forth and voted for him are the real victors.


Trump won by running on “one of the most conservative policy records and agendas of any modern president,” Levin said.“It
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Image result for pension crisis

Written by Hoang Tran

One of the biggest victories for the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) when it scored a victory through a new four-year contract is that pension pickups were preserved, but what is good for teachers is not always what is good for everyone else as the plan stands to cost taxpayers a fortune.

The deal will cost Chicago Public Schools (CPS) close to $9.5 billion over the life of the deal, and a large chunk of the cost will be pension pickups, in which the district “picks up” the bulk of teacher pensions after a small contribution from teachers’ salaries.

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Casting a Ballot at 110? Pennsylvania’s Ancient Voters

Written by Robert Knight

How many voters do you know who are more than 100 years old? Or 110 years old? Or, how about 126 years old?

Hundreds of voters in recent elections in three eastern Pennsylvania counties were more than 100 years of age, with many over 110, according to official voter registration rolls open to the public.

The research, collected by volunteers working with the American Civil Rights Union, had some head-shaking surprises. According to the data, one gentleman from Montgomery County, whose birth date was listed as August 7, 1853, allegedly voted in 2008 at age 155 and in 2012 at age 159.… Continue Reading


Written by Fred Lucas

In just the last week, prosecutors pursued three voter fraud-related charges in three major battleground states—Florida, Iowa, and Virginia.

Numerous other election irregularities such as voting beyond the grave, voting more than once, voting without citizenship, and registrations by nonexistent people have occurred throughout 2016. While some cases have been prosecuted, others were discovered through various news reports.

Here’s a sampling of election irregularities that have already taken place well in advance of Nov.… Continue Reading



Written by Michael Sebastian

October has been a portentous month for the presidential campaign. In the beginning of the month women came forward accusing Trump of unwelcome advances. Later, FBI Director James Comey re-opened the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton after finding more government emails on pervert Anthony Weiner’s computer. But the most important event may be a meme campaign that highlights Hillary’s support forcing women to register for the selective service.

The meme campaign consisted of dozens of fake ads posted under the #DraftOurDaughters hashtag that highlight two very important policy points of the Hillary campaign: First, Hillary is a radical feminist.… Continue Reading


Drs. Hiram and Jaronda Crawford visited Illinois Family Action earlier this week and were kind enough to join Dave and Monte on a special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight.  The Crawfords discuss the upcoming General Election and their recent efforts to promote pro-life policies and values in Chicago.

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Written by Ben Shapiro

The Democrats are in full-scale panic.

They should be.

Hillary Clinton has been dropping like a stone in the polls. Weeks ago, she was up well over seven points in the RealClearPolitics poll average; she’s now down to a 2.8 percent lead in a four-way race. In the state polls, Donald Trump has been gaining steadily, to the point where Axiom Strategies has Trump down just one point in Colorado and two in Pennsylvania, and up four in Florida, four in Nevada, two in North Carolina, five in Ohio.… Continue Reading
