Trump’s Win Isn’t the End, Says Levin. Time to Hold This New ‘GOP Monopoly’ Accountable

Trump Pence victory

Written by Chris Pandolfo

Wednesday night on the “Mark Levin Show,” Conservative Review’s Editor-in-Chief addressed the historic election that swept Republicans into power and placed Donald Trump in the White House.

Levin offered his congratulations to President-elect Donald Trump, but he reminded his audience that it was not Trump who defeated Hillary Clinton. Rather, the constitutional conservatives who went forth and voted for him are the real victors.


Trump won by running on “one of the most conservative policy records and agendas of any modern president,” Levin said.“It wasn’t until later when you, when WE held his feet to the fire … insisting that he embrace conservative principles” that he was able to do so, Mark remarked.Donald Trump has won. The Republicans control the government.Now it’s time to get to work on implementing that conservative agenda. “And we’re going to insist that on these very, very important conservative issues upon which many of you voted — that this Republican monopoly advance our principles … the principles they said that they would institute,” Levin said.

“We’re going to insist on it.”

Article originally published at