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Written by Jon N. Hall

In his 2008 campaign for president, candidate Obama said that the debt run up by President Bush was “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic” and that Bush ran up the debt all “by his lonesome” (short video). Despite presiding over far more debt in his first term than Bush did in two, President Obama was re-elected by young folks. It would seem that debt doesn’t really register with millennials. Although millennials may not be interested in debt, debt is interested in them.… Continue Reading

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Written by David Rosenthal

It is no secret that religious liberty is under attack.  The wedding photographerflorist, and cake baker are no longer able to practice their faith at work without fear of retribution for refusing to fall in line with the new government orthodoxy.

The Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment is designed to ensure that all Americans may freely live out their faith.  This is not limited to freedom of worship, but includes the heart, mind, and soul of religious people, thereby guiding how people act in the public square.  … Continue Reading


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Written by Kenneth Artz

The energy and climate sections of the Democratic Party’s 2016 platform calls for a national mobilization to fight climate change and ending the use of fossil fuels.

The energy and climate sections of the Democratic Party’s 2016 platform, approved at the party convention in July, calls for a national mobilization to fight climate change.

On page 45 of the platform, the Democratic Party agreed, “We believe the United States must lead in forging a robust global solution to the climate crisis.

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Written by Dr. Michael Brown

For years I have said that gay activists and their allies would overplay their hand and that their bullying would backfire. It is happening today in front of our eyes as a Christian couple, Chip and Joanna Gaines, who recently graced the cover of People magazine, is now being attacked simply for attending a Christian church. Oh, the thought of it!

Yes, if you are a public figure and you attend a church that preaches that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and you actually believe that homosexuals can be changed by the power of the gospel, you should be shamed, ridiculed, and perhaps even fired.… Continue Reading


Written by Bob Weir

To shed some light on the death of Fidel Castro, I did an interview with U.S. Senator Ted Cruz’s father Rafael Cruz, who lived under the oppressive regime of the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista.

Have you ever had experiences in which you felt as though your government was taking unfair advantage of you, and it seemed as though you had no power to do anything about it?  Have you written your congressman, senator, or county commissioner several times and only received form-letter responses?  … Continue Reading



Written by Brian C. Joondeph

Climate change is back in the news as President-Elect Donald Trump threatens to roll back much of the Obama climate agenda.  The Obama administration added 229 major regulations at an additional annual cost of $108 billion, many of which involve energy policy.  The “Clean Power Plan” is one such regulatory behemoth, jacking up the cost of energy under the guise of saving the planet from global warming.

Of course, the left believes that Trump will mandate dirty air and water, encouraging pollution on a mass scale.  … Continue Reading



Written by Daniel J. Sobieski

President-elect Donald J. Trump has been mocked for his tweeted claim that if it were not for illegal aliens voting, he might very well have won the popular as well as the electoral vote. Is his claim less credible than the one put forth by some of Trump’s opponents that Russian hackers got into voting machines that aren’t even connected to the Internet to switch votes around?

Trump puts the number at several million.… Continue Reading



Written by Philip Giraldi

“Fake stories” are in the news. The narrative goes something like this: fabricated accounts that misrepresent “the truth” are proliferating on the internet, and once they appear on a social networking site, they are frequently spread far and wide, often doing serious damage along the way to whatever or whomever was the target of the initial posting. Reportedly, Google and Facebook are now alert to the problem and doing their best to monitor and eliminate such material.… Continue Reading



Written by Robert Knight

One thing the election reinforced is that “tolerance” is the last thing progressives actually want.

The vitriol-laden media coverage, student demonstrations and other forms of protest against the incoming Trump administration are ample evidence.

To which I say, mug them again.

Tolerance, properly understood, is a wonderful virtue. The progressive version, however is a weapon to intimidate and silence opponents. With enough shaming, people would not dare to buck their betters, even in the privacy of the voting booth.… Continue Reading


Written by Michael Medved

In order to minimize the scope of the conservative victory on in the recent elections, liberal commentators treat Donald Trump’s achievement as an isolated fluke – with a TV celebrity winning a battle of personalities by just enough votes in the upper mid-west to win a surprising electoral college victory.

But this misleading account ignores Republican triumphs at every other level:

for the U.S. Senate, where the GOP won 21 races and the Democrats won 12;

for Governorships, where Republicans now control 34 states to the Democrats 15;

and to the U.S.… Continue Reading



Written by Scott Morefield

Last week, President Barack Obama gave out his last batch of Presidential Medals of Freedom to 21 honorees, the majority of whom had one thing in common – significant donations or strong support for Democratic causes.

According to the Washington Free Beacon’s analysis of Federal Election Commission records, twelve of the honorees publicly backed Obama or his policies, and eleven actually made significant contributions to Democratic campaigns or committees.

“The Presidential Medal of Freedom is not just our nation’s highest civilian honor–it’s a tribute to the idea that all of us, no matter where we come from, have the opportunity to change this country for the better,” President Obama said in a statement.… Continue Reading
