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Written by Daniel Horowitz

Trump has made his decision on the big cabinet post — secretary of State — and it’s ExxonMobil CEO, Rex Tillerson.

There is no way to sugarcoat this: Tillerson is a disastrous pick. Those who share the mentality of transnational corporate leaders like Tillerson are pre-conditioned to supporting the foreign policy establishment mindset on critical issues so as not to upset the applecart and what’s good for business.

While much of his issue portfolio is a blank slate, what we know about him and his past comments is disturbing.

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Written by John Biver

Are you curious about how the vote turned out in your area? What did voters decide in your precinct? Did they vote to continue “hope and change,” or did they instead cast their ballot to “make America great again”? This information is especially important for elected Precinct Committeemen who worked their precincts.

Precinct-level election results and more can be found with a few points and clicks at the website “Illinois Election Data,” “a data driven website … created to share and display useful campaign data on Illinois elections.”… Continue Reading



Written by Micah Clark

There is a very interesting story that deserves to be resurrected in all this talk of Russian involvement in the recent election.  The claim is that somehow Donald Trump encouraged the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton and DNC servers to confirm bad things about the Clintons that most everyone already knew and suspected.

Actual confirmed efforts to involve the Russians are there, but not with Donald Trump. It involves one of the patron saints of liberalism: U.S.… Continue Reading



Written by Dr. Brian Joondeph

Repeal and replace.  That was and still is the Donald Trump promise for Obamacare.  Congressional Republicans are ready to join in.  Not that they haven’t been trying for the past six years, with over 60 attempts at repeal at the congressional level, all quickly dispatched by the Obama veto pen.

Now that there is a new sheriff in town, the veto threat is gone.  Repeal and replace may actually happen.  What will it mean?… Continue Reading


Written by Daniel John Sobieski

Personnel is policy, as they say, and despite his meeting with the High Priest of Climatology, Al Gore, president-elect Donald Trump’s pick of Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt to be the new head at EPA, shows Trump is serious about pulling back the curtain to expose climate fraud, leaving climate zealots as unsettled as the alleged “science” they trumpet.

Pruitt has already fought the various unconstitutional power grabs that essentially established it as the fourth and unelected branch of government.… Continue Reading



Written by John Biver

Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders brought back to life a debate many thought had died with the old Soviet Union of Socialist Republics, the German Democratic Republic (the former East Germany), and many other current and past failed states throughout history. The question of whether socialism can be made to work returned zombie-like from the dead in 2016.

Supporters of free market capitalism were asking how this could be in light of the fact that no matter where socialism has been tried in the world it has failed.… Continue Reading


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Written by Chris Woodward

The head of a prominent pro-family group is reacting to a report that more than 500 American businesses have earned a top score on pro-LGBT surveys.

The surveys are part of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s “Corporate Equality Index.” HRC considers it to be the “national benchmarking tool” on corporate policies and practices pertinent to lesbian, “gay,” bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees.

In its latest report, the pro-LGBT lobbying group says 517 major businesses – “spanning nearly every industry and geography” – earned a top score of 100 percent and the distinction of “Best Places to Work for LGBT Equality.”… Continue Reading




Written by Riely Brands and Frank Newport

Americans’ assessments of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) remain relatively unchanged after the Nov. 8 election, with more continuing to disapprove (53%) than approve (42%) of the law. Going forward, the vast majority of Americans want to see the law changed. This includes the 37% who want it repealed and replaced, along with a total of 43% of Americans who want the law kept, but with major changes.… Continue Reading


Written by Chase Stephens

It’s nice to know not every big Hollywood entertainer is Cher-level crazy.

While out promoting his latest picture, a terrorism drama called “Patriot’s Day,” actor Mark Wahlberg sat down with and opened up about how out of touch Hollywood is with the average American’s life. His fellow celebrities living in the Hollywood “bubble,” he suggested, should stop cramming their political views down the viewing public’s throats.

“A lot of celebrities did, do, and shouldn’t,” he told Task & Purpose last week, concerning the long list of celebrities who had denounced Donald Trump before the election.… Continue Reading


Written by Katrina Trinko

So much for taking America’s “fake news” problem seriously.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president, there’s been an abundance of hand-wringing over the “fake news” that supposedly is rampant on social media.

Yet missing has been any kind of serious searching among the mainstream media about whether it could learn any lessons from this election—and whether reporters and editors are holding themselves accountable to their supposed values of objectivity and rigorous reporting.

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Image result for obama millennial

Written by Jon N. Hall

In his 2008 campaign for president, candidate Obama said that the debt run up by President Bush was “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic” and that Bush ran up the debt all “by his lonesome” (short video). Despite presiding over far more debt in his first term than Bush did in two, President Obama was re-elected by young folks. It would seem that debt doesn’t really register with millennials. Although millennials may not be interested in debt, debt is interested in them.… Continue Reading
