Dear Pro-Family Neighbor,

Should a male student be able to use a female’s restroom or locker room when he suffers from a recognized psychological condition called “gender dysphoria”?

Just ten years ago that question would have received near universal ridicule.

Not today. For well over a year, Illinois school districts have been debating the matter. How is it that otherwise intelligent adults debate the absurd?

Most Americans still retain common sense. The problem is that those holding the science-denying view that gender-dysphoric boys should be able to use the girls’ locker rooms in high schools are better-funded and thus able to dominate the cultural conversation.… Continue Reading

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keep abortion legal abortion kills signs

Written by Michael Haverluck

With Democratic National Committee Chair (DNC) Tom Perez now leading the Democratic Party in a new Trump era after suffering severe losses in the November election, former DNC Chair Howard Dean stressed that his party must purge itself of pro-life advocates in order to stage a comeback.

When Dean spoke with Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, the co-host brought up a previous interview he had with former Gov. Steve Beshear (D-Ky.),… Continue Reading


Image result for anti trump protest

Written by Cliff Kincaid

On “Fox & Friends,” President Donald Trump declared, in regard to the protests against him, “I think that President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it.” Once again, Trump has struck gold. It’s “gold” in the form of taxpayer money. In addition to funding from billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros, we find a federal financial connection to some of the anti-Trump protests.

The good news for Trump in this case is that his administration, supported by Republicans in Congress, can cut off the federal money.… Continue Reading


Written by Spencer Irvine

This is a follow-up to our previous post on the disruption of town halls across the nation due to left-wing protesters, who aren’t from the area where the town halls are being held, and where the liberal media praised the protesters for standing up to the Republicans and President Donald Trump. The protesters praise themselves on a website and at the Town Hall Project.

So far, fourteen Republicans have seen their town halls disrupted by left-wing protesters.… Continue Reading


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Written by Monica Showalter

First, President Trump refused to take their questions.  Later, he tweeted that they were a network of “fake news.”  Then they got caught in a fake news scandal, of the grossest sort, reporting some of the “golden showers” phony dossier on Trump as straight news and getting caught and discredited.  Turned out it was just the product of some disgusting left-anarchist’s febrile imagination, and only Buzzfeed made a bigger fool of itself.

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Written by Noel W. Sterett

When it comes to religious liberty, America has long had the best laws. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution succinctly and powerfully states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Many state constitutions contain even stronger protections for religious liberty and recognize the God of the Bible as the foundation of good governance and the source of our liberty.… Continue Reading


Democratic activist Van Jones speaks to the crowd during the women

Written by Steve Deace

Never be disappointed when progressives show you who they really are.

Disgusted? Sure. That gag reflex you feel is a good and healthy response. But you must also acknowledge that leftists are doing you a favor when they cast aside their disguises and simply allow themselves to be seen in the full light of day.You know, like when they refuse to stand in the well of the House of Representatives when a war widow is being recognized during a presidential speech.
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Image result for obama billy graham

Written by Todd Starnes

The Obama Administration engaged in eight years of political payback and heavy-handed bullying that specifically targeted their “political enemies.”

They used the Internal Revenue Service to wage an ugly campaign of bullying and intimidation to silence Tea Party groups and Christian ministries.

In 2013 President Obama’s minions sent IRS agents to bully the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

“I believe that someone in the administration was targeting and attempting to intimidate us,” Franklin Graham wrote in a letter to the White House.

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Image result for trump religious liberty

Written by Todd Starnes

Christians are under fierce attack across the fruited plain and some of the nation’s most prominent conservative leaders are urging President Trump to take immediate action.

More than 150 members of the Council for National Policy are calling on the president to issue an executive order “protecting the practical exercise of religious freedom.”

“For the last eight years, Americans of all backgrounds have suffered the loss of their religious freedoms because of destructive Obama-era policies,” the CNP wrote in a letter to the president.… Continue Reading


Written by James Barrett

Democrats consistently scoff at the suggestion that widespread voter fraud is taking place across the country, mocking the idea as a “myth” and decrying Republicans’ attempts to address it in even the most minor, unobjectionable ways as “racist” attempts to “suppress the minority vote.” The only problem with the Democrats’ dismissive claims about the “myth” is, as Ohio just demonstrated, actual facts.

“Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced an investigation has uncovered that hundreds of non-US citizens are registered to vote in the state, and dozens of them voted illegally,” NBC News-Columbus reported Monday.… Continue Reading


Image result for transgender bathroom

Written by Peter Sprigg

Contrary to almost all the news reporting on this story, the real question addressed by the new administration’s guidance is not (at least not directly), “Which restrooms or locker rooms should students who identify as transgender use?”

Instead, it is something much simpler — “Who gets to decide?”

The answer that President Trump’s administration has now given is also simple: “Not us. Not the federal government.

The two Obama administration documents that have now been rescinded — a 2016 “Dear Colleague” letter to every school district in the country, and a lesser-known “opinion letter” issued January 2015 — asserted a specific interpretation of a specific federal law.

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