Imagine this scenario for a moment. You are a budding novelist, and you present a new proposal to your agent. The agent looks it over and sends it back, assuring you no publisher would ever go for it. “It’s just too far-fetched,” you are told. “Best to go back to the drawing board.” What was the scenario you concocted? It went like this.
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On this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Joe Scheidler and his wife Ann Scheidler join us to discuss some of their experiences during their 44 years of pro-life activism. Joe and Ann touch upon life issues before the courts and legislatures in Springfield and Washington D.C. and discuss the overall progress of communicating the pro-life message.
CNN denies staging an anti-jihadist protest by ‘Muslim Mothers’ for a “fake news” report in the wake of terror attacks in England. Of course, because the whole thing was a media creation from beginning to end. CNN is evidently desperate to promote its own narrative on this issue. So is the most of the liberal establishment media. Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch calls it "a near-total inversion of reality."
Despite the public furor surrounding James Comey’s Senate testimony, there remains only one certainty about the future of the Trump administration: the president will not be forced from office through the Constitutional impeachment process. Pundits and politicos who agitate for using that mechanism to end the Age of Trump ignore history, delude themselves and damage the country.
At some point, leaders in the West will have to recognize that they share very little in common with the worldview of Islamic terrorists. At some point, they will have to take seriously Islamic theology and the mindset of a radical Muslim. At some point, they will have to come to grips with the fact that they cannot combat Islamic terrorism with tolerance.
Which came first, the bias or the search results? That’s a question worth asking after reading a (PDF) by a group of researchers looking at how search results could have affected the 2016 election. In a short paper presenting their preliminary work, the social scientists showed that search results from Google, in particular, showed bias toward Hillary Clinton in the month leading up to the election...
In the spotlight this week is Kirk Smith, the Executive Director of the Illinois Christian Home Educators. Monte and Kirk discuss many issues related to homeschooling, including the growth of the home education movement in Illinois, Trump and Common Core, and Christian homeschoolers participating in public school sports programs.
After delivering a powerful anti-Russian speech at Saturday’s March for Truth in Washington, D.C., the “effective progressive” U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) threatened this reporter, saying, “if you talk about my father again you’ve got a real problem.”
If you are not familiar with Prager University, they are excellent short videos that explain conservative ideals on cultural and political issues. Their tag line sums it up well: "Short Videos. Big Ideas." They are great countermeasure to the narrative that Leftists in media, academia and Hollywood would have you believe.
Without a doubt, Kathy Griffin crossed a dark and ugly line when she posted her instantly infamous, beheading picture. And she is suffering the consequences for her foolish actions. But is she alone to blame? Have not others contributed to the toxic atmosphere that provided the backdrop for her misdeed?
The decline and lurch to the left of the Fox News Network provides an opening for any astute conservative billionaire: create a news network specifically intended to provide news from the viewpoint of most of America, which is to say the seventy-five percent of Americans who live in Flyover Country. While the geographic concentration of political power in America is appalling, the geographic concentration of media power is much worse.