Every time state spending increases and taxes are raised, Republicans and conservatives issue statements expressing disappointment and disgust with those who played a part in making it happen. For many of us watching this Illinois tax and spend train wreck year after year the statements start to get tiresome.
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There was a time (as hard as it may be to believe today) when liberals actually had the mental capacity to reason. During the Enlightenment, liberals (specifically, people with principles that were then described as liberal) understood the difference between facts and ideology...
Is it too late for America? Are the nation’s best days behind us? Can our sickly country be saved? On July 1, 2016, conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza sent out an email titled, “On The Brink Of Losing America Forever,” and it certainly feels that we are that close. But have we passed the point of no return?
Monte Larrick had the pleasure of interviewing radio talk show host, historian and bestselling author Michael Medved about his new book The American Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic. Then, in the second half of this podcast, Monte interviews Dr. Duke Pesta, who travels throughout the United Sates warning parents and taxpayers about the insidious federal education program known as Common Core.
Our nation was born out of a deep desire for true freedom that was inspired by those determined to have freedom of religion. This nation was born because believers prayed. This nation became prosperous and powerful because believers served. And this nation only moves forward if the faithful stay engaged.
Our Founding Fathers thoughtfully and succinctly defined human nature, thus crafting a Constitution confronting man’s decided vulnerability to the elixir of power and its addictive influence. Across decades of the American landscape their genius sustained this nation’s promise rewarding hard work and diligence in a free society. Limitless opportunity unfettered by overbearing government emboldened our citizens...
Rumors are circulating widely in Washington, D.C. that Justice Anthony Kennedy may step down from the Supreme Court this summer. He’s 81 and has been on the bench for 30 years. While those on the left consider him a conservative, he has been an absolute disaster on issues constitutional conservatives care about.
“Let me ask you some questions,” Conservative Review Editor-in-Chief Mark Levin said Monday evening on the radio.
Hollywood wants President Trump to sleep with the fishes. They want him dead – decapitated – his bloody entrails splayed across the Rose Garden for all of the world to see. A who’s-who of actors and directors and musicians want him to suffer the most agonizingly brutal and gory death in the history of assassinations.
The essential difference between Christianity and Islam is the difference between Jesus and Muhammad. Jesus was a spiritual leader who laid down His life to save the world. Muhammad was a spiritual leader, who became a political leader, then a violent military leader.
In the Spotlight with Monte Larrick and David Smith this week is Lennie Jarratt, who is the project manager for the Center for Transforming Education at The Heartland Institute.