The cool kids in Washington promoting the Michael Dukakis crime agenda have a clever way of enticing conservatives to support the Soros anarchist agenda. “Well, conservatives, don’t you want to save money and actually enhance public safety with less recidivism?” How dumb of us not to know that all along, the far Left was really right about crime and that somehow the miraculous drop in crime in the ’90s following tougher sentencing laws was just a figment of our imagination.
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Several recent polls, plus the popularity of Sen. Bernie Sanders, demonstrate that young people prefer socialism to free market capitalism. That, I believe, is a result of their ignorance and indoctrination during their school years, from kindergarten through college. For the most part, neither they nor many of their teachers and professors know what free market capitalism is.
It’s a lot easier to treat doctors like drug traffickers and push pain patients into suicide than it is go after sanctuary cities and the drug cartels that are responsible for the entirety of the drug (not “opioid”) crisis. Nowhere is this more evident than in Minneapolis.
In the United States, surveys show that many Millennials are not merely soft on socialism but openly support it. They think capitalism benefits only the “one percent” and no one else, despite America’s matchless record of upward mobility and prosperity.
Maybe it’s a matter of timing. Maybe I’m not giving this a fair shake. But whenever I happen to tune in to CNN, there’s a panel of talking heads discussing President Trump and the porn star. Or President Trump and the Mueller investigation. Or President Trump and whether he’ll be impeached.
David Smith and Monte Larrick recently sat down with Jo McGuire while she was visiting Illinois warning residents about the many consequences of legalizing recreational marijuana. Jo comes from Colorado, where they have had recreational marijuana since 2013.
Republicans and Democrats agree on little these days.  This is especially true when it comes to certain social issues.  For example, many Republicans believe in the traditional definition of marriage (man and woman).  Democrats, on the other hand, take a much broader approach.  Republicans tend to believe that a person is born as a man or a woman and that science dictates one's sex.  Democrats have a different view.  One thing is certain...
Judging by the hyperbolic angst of the political left and the mainstream media, you’d have thought that President Donald Trump had called Prince Louis Arthur Charles an ugly baby. But you’d be wrong, because all he did was call MS-13 gang members “animals.”
Educrat (ED-yoo-krat) noun, usually pejorative. A government school official or administrator whose primary function is to spend tax dollars telling other parents what to do with their children. Beltway education bureaucrats abhor families who choose to keep their kids out of public schools — unless it’s to grandstand over gun control.
The United States of America is by far the most powerful nation on Planet Earth, spending about as much on defense as the entire rest of the world.  According to a report on globalization from Credit Suisse, the U.S. has maintained its position as the world's strongest military.  As an example, although Russia has the most substantial number of tanks, approximately 15,000, with the U.S. coming in at around 8,000, the U.S. tops the list in military aircraft with approximately 14,000, submarines at 72, and ten fleet aircraft carriers and two more under construction.
In the United States, surveys show that many millennials are not merely soft on socialism but openly support it. They think capitalism benefits only the "1 percent" and no one else, despite America's matchless record of upward mobility and prosperity.