Our first Spotlight of December features a portion of a presentation given by Dr. Michelle Cretella at the 2019 Illinois Family Institute Worldview Conference on “Trans” Ideology. Dr. Cretella discusses the differences between true, biological science, which supports pro-life and pro-family propositions, and the anti-science cult of gender ideology, which is preached by mainstream medicine, psychiatry, public and private education systems, and social and mass media.
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Earlier this year. Pastor Cory Musgrave (of Geff, Illinois) was asked to give the opening prayer at the Illinois Capitol, days after our state lawmakers approved legislation to radically expand abortion in our state. But Pastor Musgrave did not shrink back amidst a room filled with those who have chosen to call evil good and good evil.
This week, South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who has risen to the top of the heap in early Democratic presidential primary polling in Iowa and New Hampshire, came under serious sustained attack for the first time in his candidacy. Buttigieg's early candidacy gained credibility thanks to the moderation he displayed compared with other Democrats. He quickly lost steam when he tacked to the left. Now Buttigieg has swiveled back toward the center, launching a series of assaults on the radical plans of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and stealing her momentum in the largely white early primary states.

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On this Thanksgiving week edition of Spotlight, Dr. Allan Carlson, senior fellow at the Rockford-based International Organization for the Family, joins Monte Larrick to discuss the natural family as it is ordained in Scripture – faithful and fruitful. Dr. Carlson specifically addresses depopulation, climate change accusations, the natural family’s value to the Church and society, and current attacks that target the traditional family.
I’m fine with the fact that I disagree with South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg on virtually every political issue. We can debate those. Where I personally draw the line with Mayor Pete, however, is his persistent, naked attempts to hijack the Holy Spirit-inspired Scriptures for his own personal gain.
Veritable droves of right-of-center commentators and would-be eminences are more than happy to sound off ad-nauseam about tax cuts and job creation. Those priorities are spoken about as if they are the only political issues that conservatives can win on. In 2018, before November’s midterm elections, a group of Republican insiders and strategists happily gloated that another round of tax cuts would leave Democrats completely stumped, flailing in confusion at their loss. On the other hand, after those commentators were proven wrong...
The recent headline of a Chicago Sun-Times article alarmingly reports that Chicago Public School watchdog is fielding 3 complaints of sexual misconduct per school day. This comes on the heels of a Chicago Tribune report last summer revealed that Chicago public schools had more than 520 sexual assault cases all across the city.
Chick-fil-A's disappointing decision to discontinue donations to "controversial" Christian charities is emblematic of the power of political correctness and the bullying left that drives it. If the previously stalwart Chick-fil-A folds, who is left standing to fight? Tireless, intolerant LGBTQ activists bombarded the restaurant chain with protests and accusations about it being "anti-gay." The gist of its sin is that it has donated millions of dollars to The Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which have historically opposed same-sex marriage.
The U.S Senate unanimously passed a bill this week to support pro-democracy efforts in Hong Kong, a move that prompted an angry response from Beijing. According to Reuters, the measure requires that the U.S. “certify at least once a year that Hong Kong retains enough autonomy to qualify for special U.S. trading consideration.” A separate bill, also passed unanimously, places a moratorium on selling crowd control “munitions” (such as tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and stun guns) to Hong Kong police, who have been accused of brutality in dealing with protestors.
You may have noticed that several news commentators attached the label “moderate” to former New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg last week when he filed papers to run for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.