[Last] week’s news was dominated by the anti-Semitic protests taking place on college campuses across the nation. Columbia, Yale, Berkeley, Harvard. Over 120 American institutions have reported disruptions to the point that classes have been canceled and police have been called in to restore order.
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Illinois State Democrats used their supermajority advantage this week to ram through changes to state election laws (right before an election) to hurt two groups of people: parents and Republicans. With lightning speed in 24 hours, Democrats unveiled and passed legislation that Governor JB Pritzker hurriedly signed which limits ballot access and adds three nonbinding referendums to the 2024 general election ballot.
The AP and the American Press Institute just released a poll on the 2024 election and found only 14% of their sample expressed "a great deal of confidence in election-related information they receive from national sources." By contrast, 46% have little or no confidence at all in the information they receive from national news organizations.
First Liberty and legal experts around the country are sounding the alarm about the Biden administration’s recently proposed changes to Title IX.

Revisions to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 will now be used by the federal government to prohibit discrimination based on a person’s “gender identity” - a left-wing construct that runs contrary to the religious views of many Christians, Muslims and Jews.
Nancy Pearcey is the director of the Francis Schaeffer Center for Worldview and Culture at Houston Baptist University. She is also the author of several, critically-acclaimed books including Total Truth, Love They Body, and The Toxic War on Masculinity.
Did you ever think you would see the day when Jewish students on elite college campuses were afraid to attend classes? Pro-Hamas mobs have taken over. They have built tent cities and made it clear that Jews and anyone supporting Israel is an enemy.
It’s 2024, and we are living in schizophrenic times. Dickensian times: the best of times, yet the worst; times where we demand the truth while reveling in our lies; times of great material gain but of even greater moral loss; times of calling good evil and evil good; times of saying bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter; times of the “tolerant” not tolerating what they find intolerable.
Taylor Swift may be the world's most popular musical artist, but her new album is deeply troubling, especially the song "Guilty as Sin", in which she tears down Christian sexual standards, including the sin of lust. The lyrics of this song contain references to being crucified, rolling away the stone from the tomb, and redefining what it means to be holy in sinfully sexual, blasphemous terms...
In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Tom Brejcha discusses President Biden and his State of the Union address. Tom Brejcha is the Founder, President, and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Society. He is a legal expert with over 50 years of experience in the federal and state courts.
On Sunday, April 21st, Governor J.B. Pritzker appeared on CNN to discuss the 2024 Biden Presidential Campaign. During his segment, Pritzker relayed a series of factually incorrect statements. For the sake of time, only three of these statements will be briefly discussed here.
Lawlessness comes in many forms.

It’s millions of aliens crossing the U.S. border illegally. It is murders, rapes and drug smuggling by ruthless gangs that are exploiting a White House that is intent on creating a new electorate regardless of the cost to Americans.