Category: Sanctity of Life

Pro-life Leader Charmaine Yoest Named to HHS Post

Written by Dave Bohon

Charmaine Yoest, an outspoken pro-life leader and former president of Americans United for Life (AUL), has been chosen by the Trump administration to serve as assistant secretary for public affairs in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Yoest will serve under another pro-life champion, former U.S. Representative Tom Price (R-Ga.), who was confirmed as HHS secretary in February. As a congressman Price had a perfect pro-life voting record and, like Yoest, has been a vocal proponent of cutting all federal funding to abortion giant Planned Parenthood, whose funding is funneled through HHS.… Continue Reading

Contact Kinzinger To Defund Planned Parenthood

Written by Chris Iverson

We’re flooding U.S. Representative Adam Kinzinger’s office in Washington D.C. with calls urging him to vote YES on the AHCA!

Call U.S. Representative Kinzinger at (202) 225-3635 and say:

“I want to urge Representative Kinzinger to vote YES on the AHCA!”

The AHCA will defund Planned Parenthood for one year, cutting 33 percent of their revenue! It can only defund the abortion clinic chain for one year due to Senate rules. This will be a major pro-life victory, but there are a handful of Republicans who have not committed to voting yes yet.… Continue Reading

Anti-Life Forces Are At It Again in Illinois

Written by Benjamin Smith

In this edition of our weekly podcast, Monte Larrick interviews Eric Scheidler, the Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League. Eric provides assistance to local pro-life leaders throughout the country in organizing public pro-life witness, earning media coverage, working with police, and confronting abortion providers.

Monte and Eric discuss 2 pieces of legislation in Springfield (see below) as well as a few other pro-life issues, including the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).… Continue Reading

An Interview With The Racketeer for Life

Written by Benjamin Smith

On this special edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick is joined by pro-life hero Joseph Scheidler, the founder and national president of the Pro-Life Action League.

Joe has fought for the unborn since the U.S. Supreme Court manufactured privacy and abortion rights with its 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton rulings. He was the target of a lawsuit brought by the National Organization for Women under federal racketeering laws.… Continue Reading

No Room for Pro-Lifers in Dem Party, says Dean

keep abortion legal abortion kills signs

Written by Michael Haverluck

With Democratic National Committee Chair (DNC) Tom Perez now leading the Democratic Party in a new Trump era after suffering severe losses in the November election, former DNC Chair Howard Dean stressed that his party must purge itself of pro-life advocates in order to stage a comeback.

When Dean spoke with Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, the co-host brought up a previous interview he had with former Gov. Steve Beshear (D-Ky.),… Continue Reading

Roe v. Wade Is A ‘Jealous God’ That Demands Blood And Generates Rage

Written by Tom Neven

Is there a constitutional principle so sacrosanct that it can abide no exceptions? Perhaps the First Amendment? Nope. Courts have placed reasonable restrictions on free speech and the practice of religion. You can’t libel someone, nor can you sacrifice live animals. The Second Amendment? No again, as any number of gun laws attest. One can find reasonable exceptions to just about every constitutional principle.

But 43 years ago, trawling through the penumbra and emanations of the Constitution, Justice Harry Blackmun found an inviolable right that had somehow evaded the Founding Fathers: the right to kill a child in utero—mere inches from being fully born, even—for any reason or no reason.

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Where’s Abortion in the 2016 Election?


Written by Peter Skurkiss

One of the ways this 2016 election is unlike others in the recent past is the muting of social issues. This is due in large part to the way that Donald Trump has burst onto the scene and turned over the applecart of the political establishment. Not only do the Democrats hate him, which is to be expected, but so do the Republican elites.

Trump’s very presence in the campaign has sucked much of the oxygen out of the room for social matters like abortion.… Continue Reading

OB-GYN to Hillary Clinton: ‘No Medical Situation’ Requires Late-Term Abortion


Written by Samuel Smith

In response to Hillary Clinton‘s defense of partial-birth and late-term abortions at [last week’s] debate, a California obstetrician-gynecologist has reportedly taken to Facebook to decry the claim that third-trimester abortion is necessary to help save the life of the mother.

The Democratic presidential nominee defended her opposition to bans on late-term and partial-birth abortions by arguing that there are cases in which mothers and families are forced to make “the most heartbreaking, painful decisions” because they get news that the woman’s health may be in jeopardy.

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Law That Hillary Clinton Wants Repealed Saved Over 2 Million Lives


Written by Michael Gryboski

A law restricting the federal funding of abortion that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton supports repealing is credited by a recent study with saving more than 2 million lives.

The Hyde Amendment, a federal law passed almost exactly 40 years ago in September 1976, prohibits the federal coverage of most abortion procedures.

Hyde is credited with preventing the abortion of approximately 2 million people over the past four decades, according to a report published by the pro-life research group the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

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From Roe to Obamacare, Are Republican-Appointed Judges Ruling As You Think?

Image result for supreme court justices

Written by Heather Clark

Some Americans are stating this election that they do not believe that the inauguration of Mitt Romney and the appointment of Republican judges to the bench will result in overturning Supreme Court decisions such as Roe v. Wade and other critical rulings.

“Most Christians don’t have a clue that Republican-appointed judges are making bad rulings that destroy our Christian institutions in our nation,” Pastor Matt Trewhella of Mercy Seat Christian Church near Milwaukee, Wisconsin told Christian News Network.… Continue Reading