Category: Federal Elections

LaHood Wins GOP Primary for Vacant 18th District Seat

0708 ill race

Written by David E. Smith

In a Special Election held yesterday, Illinois State Senator Darin LaHood (R-Peoria) easily won the Republican primary to replace disgraced Illinois politician Aaron Schock and the open Congressional seat in Illinois’ 18th district.  The seat has been vacant since Schock resigned on March 17th.

LaHood beat libertarian Mike Flynn, a Breitbart News editor who has lived in the Washington area for the past two decades.   According to the Peoria Journal-Star, LaHood won the special primary election “by more than a 2-to-1 margin.”… Continue Reading

Scott Walker’s Wife: One More Reason For SoCons To Worry?


Written by Matt K. Lewis

Behind every great man, there’s an incredibly astonished woman. And if you’re a Republican politician, the odds are pretty good she’s not on board with everything in your agenda. Along those lines, social conservatives have a new reason to worry about Scott Walker: Tonette Walker.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Wisconsin’s first lady publicly distanced herself from her husband over the issue of gay marriage. What is more, it’s clear that Scott Walker’s views are out of step with his entire family on the issue.… Continue Reading

Promising Truth and Compromise, Chris Christie Launches Presidential Campaign

Chris Christie, Barbara Buono

Written by Charlie Spiering

Returning to his High School gym, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced his run for president Tuesday on a center stage surrounded by some of his most loyal supporters still proud of their native son.

It’s the moment his longtime supporters were waiting for, but perhaps a smaller event than they would have expected during the peak of the Christie-mania that occurred after winning a resounding re-election in 2013 as a Republican governor in a blue state.… Continue Reading

U.S. Sen. Cruz Responds to SCOTUS Decisions


Written by U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

[Last] week, we have twice seen U.S. Supreme Court Justices violating their judicial oaths. Yesterday, the Justices re-wrote Obamacare, yet again, in order to force this failed law on the American people. [Friday], the Court doubled down with a 5-4 opinion that undermines not just the definition of marriage, but the very foundations of our representative form of government.

Both decisions were judicial activism, plain and simple. Both were lawless.

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Non-White Politicians Are Running for President and Liberals Can’t Stand It


Written by Andrew Stiles

The 2016 Republican field is young and racially diverse, especially compared to the Democratic side, which is comprised almost exclusively of elderly whites. Liberals find this upsetting, and have vented their anger by questioning the racial authenticity of GOP minority candidates.

Consider the media coverage surrounding Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s presidential announcement. The Washington Post sent reporters to India to visit Jindal’s relatives and write a story about how Jindal “has spent a lifetime distancing himself from his Indian roots.”… Continue Reading

Who Will Join Ted Cruz in Repealing ObamaCare?


Now we know who the masters are: the black-robed dictators of the U.S. Supreme Court. And we know who the slaves and the serfs are: you and me.

Written by Bryan Fischer

The judicial tyrants of the U.S. Supreme Court, headed by chief oligarch John Roberts, have abandoned the Constitution, reason, and their oath of office by trashing the plain language of ObamaCare to reach an illogical, irrational, and judicially abominable result.

This 6-3 ruling is a juristic catastrophe.… Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton Takes Private Jet to Give Speech on Social Inequality


Written by Andrew Stiles

Hillary Clinton gave a speech Tuesday near Ferguson, Mo., site of anti-police riots inspired by the controversial shooting death of Michael Brown. Clinton’s speech at Christ the King United Methodist Church of Christ in the nearby town of Florissant focused on issues of racial and social inequality. “Despite our best efforts and our highest hopes, America’s long struggle with race is far from finished,” she said. “We can’t hide from hard truths about race and justice.… Continue Reading

12 Interesting Facts About Bobby Jindal


Written by Diana Stancy

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal became the latest Republican to enter the 2016 presidential race, announcing yesterday that he will be making a run for the White House.

Here are 12 facts to know about Jindal:

  1. Jindal was born with the name Piyush. As a child, though, he decided to go by Bobby after his favorite character, Bobby Brady, from “The Brady Bunch”. His name still legally remains Piyush.
  2. Jindal is also the first Indian-American to become governor and Louisiana’s first non-white governor since Reconstruction.
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LaHood vs. Flynn in the 18th Congressional District Special Election

Mike Flynn

Written by David E. Smith

Good people who vote are beyond weary of all the lying and hypocrisy that goes on in politics.  I suspect many good folks turn off politics entirely because many of our elected officials have abandoned integrity and will say whatever the voters want to hear during a campaign with no intention of keeping their word.

Mike Flynn — candidate for the vacated Congressional seat in Illinois’ 18th District — is the latest example.… Continue Reading

Some Republicans ‘Rearrange Their Sock Drawers’ to Avoid Religious Freedom-‘Gay Rights’ Fight


Written by Ray Nothstine

Ted Cruz offered a vigorous defense of religious liberty on Thursday at a Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference while accusing other Republicans, including presidential candidates, of taking time to “rearrange their sock drawers” when controversy over state freedom legislation arises.

The Texas Senator opened his remarks offering a moment of silence for Wednesday’s murder victims of Emanuel A.M.E. church in Charleston, S.C.

“Today the body of Christ is in mourning,” declared Cruz.… Continue Reading