Category: Media Watch

Scott Walker Says It’s Time GOP Concedes Defeat on ‘Gay’ Marriage


Written by Aaron Rupar

During an appearance yesterday on Meet the Press, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said he thinks it’s time his party concedes defeat and moves past the marriage equality issue.

Walker’s remarks come on the heels of the release of new nationwide polling showing that 51 percent of Republicans under the age of 30 support marriage equality at the state level. As Mother Jones reports, according to the polling, “the only major demographic that still opposes same-sex marriage is white, evangelical Christians.”… Continue Reading

Leftist Media Meets U.S. Senator Ted Cruz

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz made a campaign stop in Beaumont, Texas, where he was asked repeated questions by KBMT-TV’s Kevin Steele about the issue of gay marriage. Cruz finally turned the table and owned Steele on this issue.

Cruz doesn’t shrink back like so many establishment Republicans do! God bless him for speaking truth in love.… Continue Reading

When Hillary Says “Always,” She Doesn’t Always Mean Always


Written by Dr. Michael L. Brown

I believe Hillary Clinton is now telling the truth regarding her views on same-sex “marriage.” I just don’t believe she was telling the truth in the past, especially when she expressed her opposition to it. Can anyone say “Shades of Barack Obama,” whose views on the subject also “evolved”?

When it comes to President Obama, David Axelrod has now confirmed what seemed obvious for years, namely, that he lied about his views on redefining marriage so as not to drive away black (and other morally conservative) voters.… Continue Reading

For Honest Assessment of Chicago’s Financial Woes, Read Out-of-Town Papers


If you’re a close reader of the two Chicago metro dailies, you know both the Sun-Times and the Tribune are reluctant to talk much about Chicago’s dire financial situation. The one exception is when the union members in the press are trying to help the union candidate for mayor, Jesus “Chuy” Garcia. Then, they’re quick to point out that Rahm Emanual is a rich guy, who hangs out with other rich guys like Gov. Bruce Rauner.… Continue Reading

Steinberg Rings Usual Alarm that Spending Cuts “Will Only Hurt the Poor”


Written by John Jay

Liberal media pundits are up to their usual tricks by chastising proposed budget cuts as “hurting our most vulnerable” in typical boogeyman alarmist fashion.

Anytime a reformist finally gets elected to clean up a decades-long mess that’s been simmering in any state capitol, state bureaucrats and progressives dig in to resist any change of the status quo.

Step in the Chicago Sun-TimesNeil Steinberg:

Illinois was 50th out of 50 before.

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Poll: Everybody Thinks Brian Williams Should Go


Written by Stephen Gutowski

71.6 percent of Americans think he should resign

A recent poll found that 71.6 percent of Americans want Brian Williams to resign from NBC’s Nightly News even after he apologized for misrepresenting his role in a 2003 helicopter crash in Iraq and was suspended. The poll, commissioned by conservative watchdog Media Research Center (MRC) and performed by McLaughlin & Associates, also indicates 66.1 percent of those surveyed believe NBC should have fired Brian Williams after his war story was shown to be untrue.… Continue Reading

Despite ‘Long Period’ of Concerns at NBC, Williams Given $50 Million Contract in Dec.


Written by Michael Warren

The unraveling of Nightly News anchor Brian Williams‘s accounts of his reporting in Iraq and Katrina-ravaged New Orleans has become a black mark on NBC News’s reputation. A detailed account in Thursday’s Washington Post of the decision to suspend Williams for six months without pay appears to demonstrate how seriously the Peacock Network has taken the newsman’s transgression—NBC Universal’s CEO Steve Burke even considered firing Williams outright.

Here’s how the Post describes it, citing anonymous NBC officials:

The suspension was the culmination of a long period of internal concerns.

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Liberal Media Says Judaism & Christianity as Violent as Islam


Written by Raymond Ibrahim

Two events recently transpired that forced mainstream media to address a question they habitually dodge: Is Islam intrinsically violent?  First, on New Year’s Day, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi — a world leader, and a Muslim — did the unthinkable when he publicly asserted that Islamic texts and thinking have made the Muslim world a scourge to humanity. The MSM ignored it until, as if to prove his point, Muslim gunmen shouting “Allahu Akbar” killed a dozen people in offices of a satirical newspaper in Paris.… Continue Reading

Bill Maher Blasts Liberals’ for PC Reactions to Paris Massacre


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

With the dozen Muslim killings fresh on the news, the self-proclaimed liberal addressed the massacre to the audience for what he believes it truly was: a jihadist attack by merciless Islamic terrorists on infidels for dishonoring their religion’s founder and prophet.

“It’s not a presume [sic] — no, no it’s Muslim terrorists,” Maher told Kimmel and his studio audience on ABC. “This happens way too frequently. It’s like … Groundhog Day, except the groundhog kept getting his head cut off.”… Continue Reading

Fake Conservatives in the Media


Written by Cliff Kincaid

Steve Malzberg of Newsmax TV calls people like CNN’s Margaret Hoover “phony Republicans” or RINOS (Republicans in Name Only). I prefer the term “fake conservatives.” Whatever we call them, the effect is still the same. By spouting liberal nonsense, they misrepresent the views of most Republicans or conservatives. Hoover joined her fellow CNN panelists in a “Hands up, don’t shoot” display based on the fiction that thug Michael Brown was surrendering to the police when he was shot.… Continue Reading