Written by Robert Knight
The national parental rights group has again made the latest “hate map” of the Southern Poverty Law Center, the most prominent leftist smear machine outside of the legacy media itself.
Despite a scandal in 2019 that ousted its leadership, “SPLC annual revenue still reaches nine figures, and its assets are just shy of $700 million,” the Capital Research Center reports.
The Moms last year were designated partly because they supported reform-minded school board candidates who won elections.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alliance Defending Freedom, AmazonSmile, American Family Association, amily Research Council, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Capital Research Center, Clarence Thomas, Coral Ridge Ministries, D. James Kennedy Ministries, Dustin Inman Society, Family Foundation of Virginia, hate map, Illinois Family Institute, Mission America, Moms for Liberty, Southern Poverty Law Center, The Washington Times, U.S. Supreme Court, W. Keith Watkins
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
June 11, 2024 4:00 AM |
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Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
This edition of Illinois Family Spotlight features a conversation with Kent Evans surrounding biblical fatherhood.
Kent Evans is the executive director and co-founder of Manhood Journey, a ministry that aids fathers in intentionally discipling their children.
Fatherlessness is on the rise in homes across the nation, and the effects of fatherlessness are very real.
A definition for a godly father is: Am I exhibiting to my children the image of God the Father as close as I can represent it?
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
Reducing sentences for our already under-incarcerated criminal population is a great goal of George Soros. Yet for the past 15 years, this dystopian objective has been supported by the Kochs and other libertarian front groups that convinced Republicans — and, eventually, Donald Trump — to join the jailbreak bandwagon.
Now, despite the ubiquitous recognition that we have a violent crime problem because of weak deterrent power against criminals, particularly juveniles, the Koch-funded groups continue to wield influence among Republicans to further weaken the criminal deterrent rather than strengthening it.… Continue Reading
Tags: Andy Biggs, Ben Cline, carjacking, Chip Roy, Daniel Horowitz, Joe Biden, juvenile crime, Kelly Armstrong, Ken Buck, Koch Brothers, Republican Party, U.S. Department of Justice
Crime Culture, Illinois Politics, Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
May 23, 2024 7:00 AM |
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Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Pastor Myles Holmes of Revive Church.
In this interview, Pastor Holmes tackles the issue of the 2024 election.
Making America great again actually means making America godly again. We need to get back to the Constitution, but even before that, back to the Bible and what has made America great, which is faith in God.
Listen to “What to Expect in the 2024 Election” anywhere you find podcasts or click the link below:
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Tags: 2024, Election, Make America Godly Again, Make America Great Again, Pastor Myles Holmes, Voting
Faith & Religion, Federal Issues, Illinois Politics, Marriage, Family & Culture, Political | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
May 22, 2024 5:00 AM |
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Written by Peter Heck
Much has been said about the Harrison Butker situation over the course of the last few days, but I wonder if anyone has paused to consider how violative the secular progressive left is right now of their own rules of inclusion and open-mindedness.
A few years ago, I watched a commencement address at a moderately sized public university. The speaker spent nothing short of 25 minutes warning the graduates about the perils of homophobia, transphobia, climate change, and more than a few other buzzwords associated with our state religion.… Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
In this week’s Spotlight episode, David Curtin, IFI’s Springfield Lobbyist, gives an update on the Illinois General Assembly.
As it relates to Assisted Suicide in Illinois, David Curtin has a hopeful update:
Assisted Suicide is dead for now. We don’t expect it to come up before the end of May. If it comes up during veto session in the Fall, maybe? If it comes up next year, maybe?
But, we are just ecstatic that IFI listeners registered their opinion on so many bills down here.
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Tags: assisted suicide, bill, David Curtin, Governor, Illinois family spotlight, Illinois General Assembly, legislation, Springfield
Illinois Politics, Marriage, Family & Culture, Political, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
May 15, 2024 5:00 AM |
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Written by Dr. Everett Piper
Freedom can be deceiving. When you drive through the countryside and see a horse standing unrestrained in a field, does it seem free? When you walk through a neighborhood and hear a dog running and barking on the other side of a fence, does it appear to be free? When you drive by a school during recess and see dozens of children playing on the fenced-in playground, are they free? When you see a toddler playing with blocks in his playpen, is he free?… Continue Reading
Written by David E. Smith
I’ve seen a couple of video clips of Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson (R-NC) in the past few years, and every time I have found myself cheering, applauding and occasionally shouting “amen!”
He is now the Republican nominee for Governor in North Carolina in what promises to be a tight election. What a blessing it would be to see a bold Christian conservative like him elected as chief executive of that state!… Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
This episode of Spotlight features Pastor Myles Holmes and his speech at the annual IFI Worldview Conference.
Pastor Holmes is the pastor of Revive Church located in Collinsville, Illinois.
In his speech, Pastor Holmes highlights the vital importance of manhood and the need for good, godly, and strong men.
We’re talking today about recovering biblical manhood. Not just recovering manhood– recovering manhood biblically.
Listen to “Why Manhood Matters” anywhere you find podcasts or click the link!… Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
This Spotlight episode features Nancy Pearcey’s Worldview Conference speech, “The Toxic War on Masculinity.”
Nancy Pearcey is the director of the Francis Schaeffer Center for Worldview and Culture at Houston Baptist University. She is also the author of several, critically-acclaimed books including Total Truth, Love They Body, and The Toxic War on Masculinity.
We are failing to nurture boys and then we blame them for their toxic behavior… researchers now tell us that male unemployment is at Great Depression era levels… and male life expectancy has gone down.
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