Category: Marriage, Family & Culture

MORE Taxes for Chicago… But It Is Still Not Enough


Written by David E. Smith

Earlier this week, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his minions in the Chicago City Council passed a massive tax hike that will COST most city homeowners $600-$800 MORE in taxes (maybe more) so that the Left’s BIG GOVERNMENT can continue to inefficiently flounder under one Party rule.  This tax increase is on top of the Cook County 1 percent sales tax hike that starts on Jan. 1, 2016.

Yes, I intended to say “flounder.” … Continue Reading

Climate Change and Leftist Hypocrisy


Written by Bruce Walker

Nothing exposes the cynical hypocrisy of the left more than its jihadist attitude toward the dubious theory of man-made global warming.  The phoniness and selfishness of the left show up in several different ways.

The left pronounces manmade global warming “settled science” but then insists that we continue to spend billions of dollars in climate change research.  If it is truly settled science, then we need to spend no more money at all on research, and if this supposed dire threat requires immediate action by governments, then even research on the best way to contain climate change is unnecessary.… Continue Reading

An Interview with the ‘Progressive’ Mind

Progressive Mind

Written by Matt Barber

To the limited extent they actually do, have you ever wondered how so-called “progressives” think? The progressive mind – let’s call it, “Progressy” – collectively hovers, like the Hindenburg, in that fantastical realm, that manmade utopia in waiting, that “fundamentally transformed” world that might only be, if …

Hitler got it mostly wrong, Stalin, somewhat right, and Mao, with his “Great Leap Forward,” warmer still. Marx and Engels were red-hot-close, but, they, too, missed the mark, if only by an inch.… Continue Reading

What GOP Candidates Said About Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling

GOP CandidatesSantorum, Huckabee, Cruz, Jindal make the A Team


Written by Maggie Gallagher
On June 26, a narrow majority of U.S. Supreme Court justices struck down the traditional definition of marriage, ruling all 50 states must recognize same-sex unions as marriages.

The four dissenters included the usually mild-mannered Chief Justice John Roberts, who called the majority opinion “dangerous to the rule of law”: “The majority’s decision is an act of will, not legal judgment. The right it announces has no basis in the Constitution or this Court’s precedent.”… Continue Reading

Huckabee: If the GOP Avoids Social Issues, It’s A Sure Way to Lose in 2016


Mike Huckabee with reporters in Tinley Park Friday – Photo credit: Al Ashworth

Written by Fran Eaton

At the RISE Initiative at the Tinley Park Convention Center Friday, GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee answered a question asked by an Illinois Review reporter:

“Social conservatives in Illinois are feeling pushed out of their Party. Could you address that issue as to how important it is for social conservatives stay involved … in whatever party they pick?”

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Faith Takes Centerstage at Family Leadership Summit as Rubio Reads From the Bible

sen-marco-rubioWritten by Anugrah Kumar

Ten Republican presidential candidates spoke about their faith and how they care for issues such as marriage, religious freedom and defeating Islamist terrorism as they addressed a big annual gathering of evangelical voters at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa Saturday.

The candidates spoke to the crowd and faced questions from the moderator, Frank Luntz, a political consultant and Fox News contributor, and the audience, with a Bible placed on the table next to them.… Continue Reading

Food Stamp Beneficiaries Have Exceeded 45 Million For 48 Straight Months


Written by Ali Meyer

The number of beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps, has exceeded 45 million for 48 straight months, according to data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA).

In April 2015, the latest month from which data is available, there were 45,438,832 beneficiaries of the food stamp program.


The number of food stamp recipients first exceeded 45 million in May 2011. Since then, the number has consistently exceeded 45 million, hitting a record high of about 47,800,000 in December 2012.… Continue Reading

Republican Candidates Who Go Wobbly on Marriage Deserve to Lose


Written by Jay Richards

Public opinion on same-sex “marriage” has shifted so quickly that major Democratic candidates for president in 2008 still had to pretend to believe in man-woman marriage (that is, “marriage”). It was only after Joe Biden gave the game away that President Obama officially endorsed same-sex marriage as soon as he did — in May 2012. By that time, a majority of Americans were just starting to tell pollsters they agreed. Now, a mere three years later, only the most stout-hearted public figures can make the man-woman marriage argument that Barack Obama was still making in April 2012.… Continue Reading

Better Late Than Never


Written by Gary Bauer

President Barack Obama participated in a panel discussion Wednesday at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., discussing ways Catholic and evangelical groups can work together to address poverty.

Knowing his audience, Obama began by commenting on the “stereotype of folks on the left who just want to pour more money into social programs and don’t care about culture or parenting or family structures.”

Mr. Obama acknowledged that he “grew up without a father and I know the cost that I paid for that.… Continue Reading

Bobby Jindal: I’m Holding Firm Against Gay Marriage

120727_SCI_BobbyJindalEX.jpg.CROP.rectangle3-largeWritten by Governor Bobby Jindal

The debate over religious liberty in America presents conservatives and business leaders with a crucial choice.

In Indiana and Arkansas, large corporations recently joined left-wing activists to bully elected officials into backing away from strong protections for religious liberty. It was disappointing to see conservative leaders so hastily retreat on legislation that would simply allow for an individual or business to claim a right to free exercise of religion in a court of law.… Continue Reading