Written by Benjamin Smith
As March draws to a close, Illinois Family Spotlight turns to the Q&A session from Dr. Erwin Lutzer’s presentation at a recent IFI forum, “When the State Becomes God Christian Life in Exile.”
Dr. Lutzer fields questions on civil disobedience, legality vs. morality, the importance of language, compassion and immigration, “tolerance,” and much more. Be sure to listen to hear the wonderful encouragement Pastor Lutzer has for the Church today and, to glean more of Pastor Lutzer’s biblical insight and godly wisdom, read his legacy book, “The Church in Babylon.”… Continue Reading
Written by David Limbaugh
Liberal ideology is rife with inconsistencies, but none is greater than how its supposedly animating motivation — human compassion — is contradicted by its devaluation of human life.
Liberals have long claimed superior compassion and demonized conservatives as being uncaring. This has always been untrue while superficially appearing to be true, and liberals have evangelized countless young minds with this seductive canard.
It’s difficult to convince embryonic liberal activists that individual liberals may be compassionate but their governing ideology and the inevitable consequences of their policies are not.… Continue Reading
Written by Jerry Newcombe
[Recently], the New York Post had an editorial about how many millennials embrace “socialism,” while not really knowing what it means: “Millennials — ignorant of socialism’s appalling economic and human-rights history — increasingly embrace socialism and its naively unrealistic prescriptions for ending all human want.”
I’m reminded of a college student who wrote his dad: “Dear Dad, No mon. No fun. Your son.”
His dad wrote back: “Too bad. So sad. Your Dad.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Brent Bozell, Dr. Everett Piper, Dr. Richard Land, Jim DeMint, Media Research Center, Millennials, National Economic Council, New York Magazine, New York Post, Oklahoma Wesley University, Socialism, Southern Evangelical Seminary
Marriage, Family & Culture, Media Watch | David E. Smith | March 11, 2019 4:00 AM | Comments Off on No, We’re Not All Socialists Now
Written by Walter WIlliams
Jussie Smollett, “Empire” actor, claimed that on Jan. 29, two masked men identifying themselves as Donald Trump supporters and using racial and homophobic insults attacked him. Smollett said the assailants yelled “This is MAGA country,” bashed his face, crushed his ribs, splashed him with bleach and put a noose around his neck. Smollett’s telling of the hate crime was gobbled up hook, line and sinker by the anti-Trump news media, but Chicago police say it was a hoax.… Continue Reading
Written by Peter Heck
Without public morality, government must grow.
When government grows, freedoms contract. Freedom requires morality.
There’s a commonly understood, even if unspoken, rule for most opinion columnists, and that is: don’t read the comment section. It’s not that those forums can’t ever produce good thoughts or insightful observations. It’s that those sections are far more often havens for nameless trolls who are far more interested in name-calling and pejoratives than in seriously engaging the argument being made.… Continue Reading
Written by Wendy Wilson
Americans today are less likely to define socialism as government ownership of the means of production and more likely to describe it in relation to equality or government benefits and social services, according to a new Gallup poll conducted in September.
Only seventeen percent of Americans in 2018 define socialism as government ownership of the means of production compared to twice that number in 1949 when Gallup first surveyed Americans on the term.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Big Government, Capitalism, Gallup Poll, Julie Roys, Karl Marx, Marxism, Socialism, worldview
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith | October 19, 2018 5:00 AM | Comments Off on Definitions of Socialism Broaden as Support for Capitalism Drops, Gallup Research Shows
Written by Robert Knight
What is it with our ruling elites? How did they come to have so much disdain for America? Some recent events have yet again brought this unfortunate situation to the surface.
Let’s start with Nike, the Portland, Oregon-based sportswear mega-company. It did not become a Fortune 100 corporation by chance or careless management.
Debuting as Blue Ribbon Sports in 1964, the firm under Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight officially adopted the Nike name and the famous Swoosh logo in 1971.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bill Bowerman, Buzz Aldrin, Colin Kaepernick, First Man, Jack Ryan, Neil Armstrong, NFL, Nike, Phil Knight, Ryan Gosling, San Francisco 49ers, Sonia Saraiya, Tom Clancy
Marriage, Family & Culture, Media Watch | David E. Smith | September 12, 2018 6:45 AM | Comments Off on Kicking Off More Contempt for America
Written by Dr. Everett Piper
It’s “1984” and we are living in schizophrenic times. Dickensian times. Orwellian times. The best of times, but yet the worst.
Times where we demand the truth while reveling in our lies. Times of great material gain but times of even greater moral loss. Times of monetary advancement, yet times of shocking mental decline. Times of the pathology of the intellect and the reprobate mind. Times of calling good evil and evil good; bitter sweet and sweet bitter.… Continue Reading
Tags: 1984, Ben Shapiro, Candice Owens, Colorado Civil Rights Commission, David Horowitz, Declaration of Independence, Dennis Prager, Dickensian times, Everett Piper, Facebook, Jack Phillips, Mark Zuckerberg, Martin Niemoller, Orwellian times
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith | September 4, 2018 7:00 AM | Comments Off on Liberal Nonsense on Parade
Written by Daniel Horowitz
Another American dreamer has lost her life, allegedly killed by an illegal alien who was only in the country because of the open-borders agenda.
Cristhian Bahena Rivera is a 24-year-old Mexican who came here illegally between four and seven years ago and allegedly murdered University of Iowa student Molly Tibbetts. In a twist of tragic irony, he was employed by a business owned by the family of a prominent Republican open-borders activist.… Continue Reading
Tags: Border wall, Craig Lang, Cristhian Bahena Rivera, E-Verify, Fraider Diaz Carbajal, illegal immigration, Lamar Smith, Molly Tibbetts, Rosemary Jenks, Social Security, Yarrabee Farms
Federal Issues, Marriage, Family & Culture, Political | Benjamin D. Smith | August 25, 2018 4:00 AM | Comments Off on How E-Verify and Immigration Enforcement Can Prevent More Murders
Written by Thomas Lifson
George Soros must be really worried by all the progress President Trump is making. Soros’s Open Society Policy Center, the 501 (c)(4) nonprofit organization[i] that he sponsors spent more money lobbying the federal government last quarter than it has ever spent in its history. Joe Shoffstall reports in The Free Beacon that the Open Society Policy Center:
…reported spending $10.37 million between April 1 and June 30—an increase of nearly $8 million from the first quarter of the year when the center reported spending $2.52 million on its lobbying efforts.
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