Written by Benjamin Smith
This edition of IFA Spotlight features Pastor Douglas Wilson. His presentation at the March 2019 Worldview Conference on “Trans” Ideology is simply amazing. His talk, is not limited to the transgender issue, however; it covers the culture war as a whole.
The Reverend Douglas Wilson is a conservative reformed and evangelical theologian, pastor at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, faculty member at New Saint Andrews College, and prolific author and speaker.… Continue Reading
Written by Nicholas J. Stojakovich
The next time a Hollywood actor or actress tries to persuade or impress you with their profound knowledge and insights on political or world affairs, keep a few things in mind.
Never forget that the word “actor” comes from the Greek word “hypokrites,” which means “an actor” or “a stage player.”
Of course, many actors and actresses throughout history and today are incredibly gifted, and have created and will continue to create memorable stage plays and films that impact society for good.… Continue Reading
Written by Scott Rasmussen
Fifty-three percent of voters believe political corruption is a crisis in the United States, while another 36 percent believe it is a significant problem but not a crisis.
That’s consistent with other ScottRasmussen.com polling data showing that 87 percent of voters nationwide believe corruption is widespread in the federal government. Solid majorities believe there is also corruption in state (70 percent) and local (57 percent) government.
The belief that our nation has a political corruption crisis is shared by 53 percent of women, 52 percent of men, 51 percent of white voters, 55 percent of black and Hispanic voters, 54 percent of rural voters, 53 percent of suburban voters and 52 percent of urban voters.
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Written by Robert Knight
The question is often raised: Who is Jesus?
As C.S. Lewis wrote, the Gospels leave no gray area: Either Jesus was God Incarnate or a madman for claiming to be so. Merely being “a good teacher” doesn’t cut it.
The New Testament says that Jesus is not only the Jews’s long-awaited Messiah but the Son of God, who was sacrificed for the sins of the whole world, rose from the dead and grants eternal life to all who believe in Him.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, C.S. Lewis, Che Guevara, Chesucristo, Cory Booker, David Kunzle, Defense of Marriage Act, Fidel Castro, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Pete Buttigieg, Rick Warren, Saddleback Church, Sermon on the Mount, The Communist Manifesto
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
April 23, 2019 6:00 AM |
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Written by Benjamin Smith
Our guest on this edition of Spotlight is Pastor Doug Wilson of Moscow, Idaho. Pastor Wilson recently spoke at the fifth annual IFI Worldview Conference which focused on “trans” ideology. He joins Monte Larrick and David Smith to discuss the cultural/creation mandate, the genesis of worldliness, socialism (especially as it relates to the decline and failure of public schools), the value of a classical, Christian education and the growing LGBTQ agenda in government schools, appropriate responses to liberal overreach and civil disobedience.… Continue Reading
Written by David Limbaugh
There’s no question that animosity exists on both sides of the political spectrum, but have you noticed how personal it has become for many on the left?
It is disturbing how intolerant and filled with rage leftist extremists have become, and how many more people are falling into the category of leftist extremism.
But what concerns me as much as this pattern of ill will and abuse from leftists is that it is unchecked by their peers and often applauded.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bill de Blasio, Bill Kristol, Chick-Fil-A, Clarence Thomas, Dan Cathy, Facebook, George W. Bush, Google, Hank Johnson, Jimmy Kimmel, Jonathan Chait, Jr., Kirstjen Nielsen, Luke O’Neil, Mitch McConnell, Obamacare, Pam Bondi, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Stephen Miller, The Boston Globe, Thin Blue Line, Twitter, Unplanned
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
April 13, 2019 7:00 AM |
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Written by Benjamin Smith
As March draws to a close, Illinois Family Spotlight turns to the Q&A session from Dr. Erwin Lutzer’s presentation at a recent IFI forum, “When the State Becomes God Christian Life in Exile.”
Dr. Lutzer fields questions on civil disobedience, legality vs. morality, the importance of language, compassion and immigration, “tolerance,” and much more. Be sure to listen to hear the wonderful encouragement Pastor Lutzer has for the Church today and, to glean more of Pastor Lutzer’s biblical insight and godly wisdom, read his legacy book, “The Church in Babylon.”… Continue Reading
Written by David Limbaugh
Liberal ideology is rife with inconsistencies, but none is greater than how its supposedly animating motivation — human compassion — is contradicted by its devaluation of human life.
Liberals have long claimed superior compassion and demonized conservatives as being uncaring. This has always been untrue while superficially appearing to be true, and liberals have evangelized countless young minds with this seductive canard.
It’s difficult to convince embryonic liberal activists that individual liberals may be compassionate but their governing ideology and the inevitable consequences of their policies are not.… Continue Reading
Written by Jerry Newcombe
[Recently], the New York Post had an editorial about how many millennials embrace “socialism,” while not really knowing what it means: “Millennials — ignorant of socialism’s appalling economic and human-rights history — increasingly embrace socialism and its naively unrealistic prescriptions for ending all human want.”
I’m reminded of a college student who wrote his dad: “Dear Dad, No mon. No fun. Your son.”
His dad wrote back: “Too bad. So sad. Your Dad.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Brent Bozell, Dr. Everett Piper, Dr. Richard Land, Jim DeMint, Media Research Center, Millennials, National Economic Council, New York Magazine, New York Post, Oklahoma Wesley University, Socialism, Southern Evangelical Seminary
Marriage, Family & Culture, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
March 11, 2019 4:00 AM |
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Written by Walter WIlliams
Jussie Smollett, “Empire” actor, claimed that on Jan. 29, two masked men identifying themselves as Donald Trump supporters and using racial and homophobic insults attacked him. Smollett said the assailants yelled “This is MAGA country,” bashed his face, crushed his ribs, splashed him with bleach and put a noose around his neck. Smollett’s telling of the hate crime was gobbled up hook, line and sinker by the anti-Trump news media, but Chicago police say it was a hoax.… Continue Reading