Category: Voter Integrity

The Threat of Non-Citizens Voting is Here

Written by Nancy Hayes

The threat of non-citizens voting is real. It’s time to restore confidence in U.S. elections. Congress must pass the ‘SAVE’ Act which stands for the “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility’ Act.

If 6.4 percent of all noncitizens were to vote in the 2024 general election (which is the same rate as noncitizen voting found in the 2014 study) more than two million noncitizens (2,028,800) would end up casting a ballot.

If that same percent of the 5.1 million noncitizens who arrived in the U.S.… Continue Reading

Illinois Democrats Muscle Through Changes to Cut Off Ballot Access and Advisory Question

Written by David E. Smith

Illinois State Democrats used their supermajority advantage this week to ram through changes to state election laws (right before an election) to hurt two groups of people: parents and Republicans. With lightning speed in 24 hours, Democrats unveiled and passed legislation that Governor JB Pritzker hurriedly signed which limits ballot access and adds three nonbinding referendums to the 2024 general election ballot.

The bill, SB 2412, was filed at the last minute and left no time for citizens to weigh in.… Continue Reading

Judicial Watch Sues to Enforce Voter Roll Clean Up on Behalf of Illinois Conservative Leaders

(Joint Press Release issued by Illinois Family Action, Breakthrough Ideas, and Carol J. Davis)

Non profit organizations Illinois Family Action and Breakthrough Ideas; along with lawfully registered Illinois voter Carol J. Davis; join with Judicial Watch in announcing that a federal lawsuit has been filed against the Illinois State Board of Elections and its Executive Director, Bernadette Matthews.

At issue is failure to comply with federal law regarding voter roll maintenance (the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, NVRA).… Continue Reading

Judicial Watch Sues Illinois to Force Clean Up of Voting Rolls

Judicial Watch announced [on Wednesday] that it filed a federal lawsuit against the Illinois State Board of Elections and its Executive Director, Bernadette Matthews, over their failure to clean Illinois’ voter rolls and to produce election-related records as required by federal law, the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) (Judicial Watch Inc. et al. v. Illinois State Board of Elections et al.(No. 1:24-cv-01867)). The lawsuit requests the court to require Illinois to “develop and implement a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove the registrations of ineligible registrants from the voter rolls.”… Continue Reading

Exposing Deep State Corruption – Illinois State Board of Elections Outed?

Written by Nancy Hayes

Illinois Republican candidate Adam Niemerg was removed from the ballot for the upcoming March primary due to failure to “properly notarize his statement of candidacy.”

This was ruled a failure on Niemerg’s part to fulfill his obligation under the Illinois Notary Act.

Recently, two citizens asked the Illinois State Board of Elections to follow these same statutes for Joe Biden for President. It appears that like Niemerg, Biden is also in violation of the Illinois Notary Act for failure to “properly notarize his statement of candidacy.”… Continue Reading

You Can Help Clean the Voter Rolls – Part 2

Written by Suzanne Rickman

If you read the article from a few months ago about how to remove yourself or a family member from the voter rolls, you learned that there is a form that makes self-removal pretty easy here in Illinois.

After reading that article you may have asked some obvious questions like these:

  • Is my deceased neighbor, grandparent, or friend still registered to vote?
  • Is my neighbor’s son who moved out of state 15 years ago still registered at his former Illinois address?
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You Can Help Clean Illinois Voter Rolls

This is the first of several articles we will be posting
on citizen involvement to clean the Illinois voter rolls.

Written by Suzanne Rickman

Ever wonder if you’re still registered to vote at a former address? Ever wonder if your name is possibly being used illegally by another to “vote?” Ever wonder how to find out, and remove yourself from the voter rolls at that former address?

Many of us here in Illinois have certainly pondered this possibility, but don’t know what to do, where to go, or who to call.… Continue Reading

Election Fraud Is Real and Needs to Be Fixed Before 2024

Written by Betsy McCaughey

Democrats claim election fraud is a myth. But videos don’t lie.

Roll the tapes:

On Nov. 1, Connecticut Judge William Clark overturned the results of the Bridgeport mayoral primary, calling video evidence of potential fraud “shocking.” Wanda Geter-Pataky, the vice chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee, appears to have been caught on video stuffing handfuls of ballots into a drop box outside City Hall.

On Oct. 25, in Paterson, New Jersey, the sitting president of the City Council, Alex Mendez, was charged with personally collecting large numbers of mail-in ballots in his district, destroying ballots that did not favor him and replacing them with ballots that falsely chose him.… Continue Reading

Knocking on 2 Doors Leads to RICO Prosecution

Written by Nancy Hayes

On August 14th, 2023, Reverend Stephen Lee was indicted in Georgia for so-called election interference, along with 18 others including former President Donald J. Trump. The charges state he “unlawfully conspired and endeavored to conduct and participate in a criminal enterprise in Fulton County, Georgia and elsewhere.”

This is just totally absurd unless you consider Rev. Lee knocking on a couple of doors and making a couple of phone calls in Georgia a “pattern” for RICO (Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) charges.… Continue Reading

Are the Voter Rolls in Illinois Clean or Dirty?

Written by Nancy Hayes

In 2020, Judicial Watch with the support of Attorney David Shestokas, filed a lawsuit on behalf of Illinois Conservative Union against the State of Illinois, the Illinois State Board of Elections and its Director for failing to allow public access to its voter roll data in violation of the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court in the Northern District of Illinois  (Illinois Conservative Union et al v.Continue Reading