Category: IFA News

Help Us Uphold the Truth on #GivingTuesday

Today has become known as “Giving Tuesday,” a day when charities ask you to consider helping fund their worthwhile efforts.

Since 2010, Illinois Family Action (IFA) has been a bold voice for the sanctity of life, religious liberty, education choice and other family issues. Specifically, we’ve worked diligently in the political arena to help elect the best pro-family candidates for state and federal office. As a result, we’ve seen dozens of RINOs retired.

These core beliefs are some of the key building blocks behind what we do, but they aren’t just things we’ve decided on a whim.… Continue Reading

Help Us Expose Democrat’s Abortion Extremism

Written by David E. Smith

If you are like me, you’re beyond frustrated hearing abortion cheerleaders in Illinois call pro-life candidates (and activists by extension) “extreme” because of the view that all human life is sacred and should not be gruesomely “terminated” and callously disposed of at will and for convenience sake.

If you are like me, you talk back to the radio, television or computer screen when you hear JB Pritzker claim that abortion is “health care,” or that Darren Bailey is a disqualified leader for pointing out the fact that millions of babies have been destroyed in the name of “choice.”… Continue Reading

URGENT: Please Stand With IFA

Written by David E. Smith

Illinois Family Institute (IFI) has been fighting for traditional family values for more than thirty years now. We have never been afraid to stand up and speak out in the public square for the Judeo-Christian values upon which our country was founded, or to roll up our sleeves to do the hard work of advancing the truth no matter how “politically incorrect.”

In 2010 we launched Illinois Family Action (IFA), our 501c4 political arm, which allows us to be more involved in elections, helping the best candidates (state and federal) in their primaries and/or general election races.… Continue Reading

Happy Independence Day!

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Check Out IFI’s Amazing Matching Challenge

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It is Good to Give Thanks!

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Happy Father’s Day!

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Democrats: The “Post-Truth” Party

Written by Trevor Thomas

In September of 2008, U.S. Senator, vice-presidential candidate, and democrat Joe Biden was asked his thoughts—“as a Roman Catholic”—on when life begins. Demonstrating a vast ignorance of science, along with an unflattering display of faith, he told NBC’s Tom Brokaw, “Look, I know when it begins for me.” A decade later, using the same “post-truth” relativism, New York Mayor, presidential candidate, and democrat Bill de Blasio, after signing a law that allows New Yorkers to declare their chosen gender on their birth certificate, told a cheering crowd, “You be you.… Continue Reading

Welcome 2019!

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A Very Merry Christmas!

We hope your days and weeks leading up to Christmas Day have been filled with opportunities for rich worship and contemplation of the enormity of what Jesus Christ’s first coming means to you in this life and what His second coming will mean for you in eternity.  Such reflection may be aided by thoughtful reading of Scriptures and devotionals that speak of the Lord’s Advent, joyful singing of carols and hymns that tell of the hope that we have in Emmanuel, God with us, as well as prayers of gratitude and praise that in the fullness of time, God sent forth His Son.… Continue Reading