Category: LGBTQ Agenda

The Cannibalization of the GOP

GOP_Flag_bite out

Written by Laurie Higgins

At this cultural moment, the GOP is the only party that defends marriage, the intrinsic rights of children (both prenatal and post-natal children), religious liberty, and the physical privacy rights of girls and boys and men and women. But the barbarians have breached the gate and are cannibalizing the GOP while it yet lives. Well-dressed, well-spoken barbarians but barbarians nonetheless.

What accounts for the corruption of the GOP? There are numerous reasons including the childish moral reasoning of lawmakers like U.S.… Continue Reading

LGBT Activist Attempts to Gain Christian’s Trust. Don’t Fall For It



Written by Mat Staver

It is not surprising that those seeking to advance the LGBT agenda would work through left-leaning organizations, but one billionaire who has his eye on millennials has begun partnering with Hobby Lobby and its Museum of the Bible.

Paul Singer has been targeting Republican candidates, lawmakers, and the Republican Party platform. Now, he is reaching out to Christian students on college campuses.

Singer has an elaborate funding and organizational scheme that appears to support Christians and gain their goodwill while at the same time working against them to advance his same-sex marriage and LGBT agenda.… Continue Reading

Vipers, Wolves, and the GOP


“Peccant: guilty of a moral offense; violating a principle”

Written by Laurie Higgins

To applause from the Trump family, billionaire PayPal founder Peter Thiel spoke at the Republican National Convention last week saying, “[W]e are told that the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom. This is a distraction from our real problems. Who cares?…I am proud to be gay. I am proud to be a Republican….I don’t pretend to agree with every plank in our party’s platform; but fake culture wars only distract us from our economic decline.”… Continue Reading

Survey Shows Americans’ Bathroom Break with President


Written by Tony Perkins

If President Barack Obama was hoping to make showers and locker rooms a campaign issue, brand new polling provides more evidence that he succeeded. But not in the way he intended. A WPA Research survey commissioned by Family Research Council Action finds that two thirds (66 percent) of Americans disapprove of “government forcing schools, businesses, and non-profit organizations to open the showers, changing facilities, locker rooms, and bathrooms designated for women and girls, to biological males and vice versa.”… Continue Reading

“Freedom of Choice” Now Applies to Restrooms



Written by Russ Stewart

How does one tell the difference between gravity and frivolity? The Chicago City Council is a superb yardstick.

The agenda of the council’s June 22 meeting will ensure a descent into the abyss of frivolity and stupidity. At that session, the council is scheduled to address such momentous matters as transgender or any gender access to public restrooms, along with a mandated “poop patrol,” with a swarm of inspectors empowered to find dog droppings on private property, bag them, ascertain the DNA, do a dog swab, and levy a fine of $500.… Continue Reading

Southern Poverty Law Center in Bed With Extremists

What is Wrong with the Southern Poverty Law Center?

Written by Cliff Kincaid

Why is the FBI missing the extremists in our midst? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the organization consulted by the Department of Justice for information on extremists is in bed with them.

Evelyn Schlatter, the deputy director of research of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), was listed as a participant in the recent Left Forum conference, which featured an assortment of communists, 9/11 truthers, pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel activists, and other extremists.… Continue Reading

Chris Nybo Illustrates Why Americans Distrust Lawmakers

Nybo interview

Written by Laurie Higgins

There are many reasons for the disapproval and even contempt Americans have for their elected representatives. These include lawmakers’ penchant for corruption and collusion in the service of their self-interests, chief of which may be their undying devotion to perpetual re-election.

Another reason for the subterranean reputation of many of our lawmakers is their commitment to dissembling. In a recent Facebook fit of pique over a short article written by IFI Executive Director David Smith that summarized State Senator Chris Nybo’s (R-24th*) distinctly unconservative votes, Nybo rebuked Smith for failing to publicly acknowledge that he, Nybo, had “refused to support” SB 1564.… Continue Reading

Federal Bathroom Wars


Written by David E. Smith

Insanity! On the heels of Target’s ridiculous bathroom policy to allow gender-confused men to have full access to women’s bathrooms in their stores, Barack Obama and his administration decided to issue a federal mandate requiring all public schools in the nation to comply with similar radical co-ed restroom policies. These absurd policies ignore the privacy and safety needs of the vast majority to accommodate the absurd wishes of a few.

The fact is, males and females are created different yet are of equal and infinite value and worth.… Continue Reading

Will Illinois GOP Platform Committee Members Embarrass Themselves?


Written by John Biver

Remember those infamous Jay Leno Show man on the street interviews? It’s always painful to watch people reveal their ignorance.

There are reports that there is a majority on the Illinois Republican Party Platform Committee who aren’t exactly well-read. Get ready to cringe.

The word on the street is that there are geniuses who think endorsing the radical left-wing (cultural Marxist) LGBT agenda is a good fit for the GOP. … Continue Reading

Obama’s Coed Bathroom Madness


By J. Matt Barber

President Barack Obama has done lost his mind. He’s just flushed the civil rights of men and women, boys and girls, to pee in peace and shower without having naked, sexually confused or sexually predatory members of the opposite sex ogling them, or intentionally exposing their genitalia for a cheap thrill.

Reports Fox News:

“The Obama administration has sent a letter to every public school district in the country telling them to allow transgender students [meaning students pretending to be the opposite sex] to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their chosen gender identity, as opposed to their birth certificate.

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